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thesaurus/cni00008792 Stolpe


Record IDcni00008792
Dati biografici1721 - 1783
Ultima modifica2020-05-27

Nota generale

Carl Stolpe, originally foreman, from 1759 partner of P.J. Nyström in Stockholm continued the printing house on his own when Nyström died in 1766. He had economic difficulties, went bankrupt and had to lease the printing house during the last years of his activity. He also had an agreement with the book-seller J.C. Holmberg, who had not got permission to start his own printing shop, to the effect that Stolpe’s imprint was used for Holmberg’s production. This was forbidden in 1783, just before Stolpe’s death in February that year. Stolpe’s printing house was acquired by P.A. Brodin.
Imprimeur. - Compagnon de Jacob Merckell en 1755. Âgé de 62 ans lors de son décès. - De 1759 à 1766, associé à Petter Jöransson Nyström à qui il succède

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1721?-1783
date di attività1759-1783
Professione / occupazioneImprimeur-libraire
Type de document concerné: Texte imprimé

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàStockholm
Stockholm (1759 - 1783)

Accessi collegati

Vedi ancheStolpe, Carl
Personal name record


Usata in: National Library of Sweden
Stolpe, Carl
Usata in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
VarianteStolpe, Carl
Stolpe, Charles
apud Carolum Stolpe
typis Caroli Stolpe

Fonti esterne

Trovato inKlemming, Nordin. — Barber, Pendred abroad. — Swim. — Klemming-Nordin. — SB17. — Schück. — Barber, Pendred abroad. — Swim

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