Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

The international database of 15th-century European printing

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Mensa philosophica

[Southern Netherlands? : Printer of the 'Mensa philosophica', about 1487]. – 4°. – ISTC im00494500

Notes The press has yet to be conclusively located. – Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.
Reference works H 11076*. – TFS 1900nn, 1903uu. – Camp-Kron 1241b. – ILC 1569. – Brussels exhib.1973, cat.209 . – Pell Ms 7834 (7772). – CIBN M-295. – Elliott-Loose 392. – Polain(B) 2671. – IDL 3198. – IBE 3924. – Voull(B) 4789. – HPT 74, 75. – Pr 8816. – BMC IX 211. – BSB-Ink M-329. – GW M22809
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Edinburgh NLS. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: Berlin SB; München BSB. – NL: The Hague RL


Michael Scotus :
Liber physiognomiae

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, 1486-91]. – 4°. – ISTC im00556600

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.
Reference works C 5327. – Camp 1510. – ILC 1583. – Brussels exhib.1973, cat. 168b. – Klebs 899.12. – Inv Ant 79. – Pell Ms 7918 (7854). – Coq(Bordeaux) M-14. – Polain(B) 2702. – Hargreaves 79. – GW M23279
Related resources IISTC. Copy: Brussels BR, INC A 1872
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: Edinburgh, Royal College of Physicians. – FR: Bordeaux BM


Michael Scotus :
Liber physiognomiae

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, between 14 Feb. 1487 and 21 May 1490]. – 4°. – ISTC im00556700

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.
Reference works C 5328. – Camp-Kron I 1510a. – ILC 1585. – Polain(B) 4566. – Inv Ant 50. – Oates 3952. – Pr 9425. – BMC IX 183. – GW M23277
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1995. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 12 - Medical Incunabula Part II, MI 69
IISTC. Copy: Brussels BR, INC A 2238
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL. – DE: Köln USB. – US: Univ. of Texas Medical Branch, Moody Medical Library


Michael Scotus :
Liber physiognomiae

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, 1486-91]. – 4°. – ISTC im00556800

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.
Reference works Camp-Kron I 1510b. – ILC 1584. – Klebs 899.13. – Inv Ant 80. – Polain(B) 2703. – GW M2327910
Holdings BE: Antwerpen, EHC


Modus poenitendi :
Libellus de modo poenitendi et confitendi

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 28 Jan. 1485. – 4°. – ISTC im00764000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Other editions of this work, also known from its incipit as Poeniteas cito, are entered under the heading Poenitentionarius. Attributed since the Middle Ages to Johannes de Garlandia or to Petrus Blesensis (cf. P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes des casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen-age, Louvain, 1962, p.19). H. MacKinnon attributes to William de Montibus (Essays in medieval history presented to Bertie Wilkinson, ed. T.A. Sandquist and M.R. Powicke, Toronto, 1969, pp.40-45). – Woodcut
Reference works Goff M764. – HC 11494. – Camp 1129. – ILC 1611. – Inv Ant 101. – Polain(B) 3218. – IDL 3273. – Voull(Trier) 2346. – Bod-inc P-396. – Sheppard 7206. – Pr 9355. – GW M13766
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR; Leuven, Univ.; Liège, Séminaire; Westmalle, O.C.R.. – GB: British Library; Cambridge, St John's College; Douai Abbey; London, Congregational Library; Oxford Bodley. – CZ: Prague Strahov. – FR: Douai BM. – DE: Jena ULB; Köln USB; Trier StB. – LV: Riga Akad. – NL: The Hague RL. – US: Indiana Univ., The Lilly Library; Library of Congress, Rare Book Division; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum


Modus poenitendi :
Libellus de modo poenitendi et confitendi

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 28 Jan. 1486. – 4°. – ISTC im00765000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Other editions of this work, also known from its incipit as Poeniteas cito, are entered under the heading Poenitentionarius. Attributed since the Middle Ages to Johannes de Garlandia or to Petrus Blesensis (cf. P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes des casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen-age, Louvain, 1962, p.19). H. MacKinnon attributes to William de Montibus (Essays in medieval history presented to Bertie Wilkinson, ed. T.A. Sandquist and M.R. Powicke, Toronto, 1969, pp.40-45). – Woodcuts
Reference works Goff M765. – HC 11495. – Camp 1130. – ILC 1612. – Inv Ant 114. – Pell Ms 9593 (9415). – CIBN P-496. – Elliott-Loose 446. – Polain(B) 3219. – IDL 3274. – Voull(B) 4800. – Ernst(Hildesheim) I,II 9. – Oates 3883. – Bod-inc P-397. – Sheppard 7209. – Pr 9358. – BMC IX 187. – GW M13768
Holdings AT: Klagenfurt, MensalB Gurk. – BE: Antwerpen, RG; Brussels, BR; Gent, UB. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Oxford Bodley. – CZ: Prague NL. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: Berlin SB; Hildesheim DomB; Köln DiözB. – NL: The Hague RL. – US: Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Yale Univ., Beinecke Library


Modus poenitendi :
Libellus de modo poenitendi et confitendi

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 23 Oct. 1486. – 4°. – ISTC im00766000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Other editions of this work, also known from its incipit as Poeniteas cito, are entered under the heading Poenitentionarius. Attributed since the Middle Ages to Johannes de Garlandia or to Petrus Blesensis (cf. P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes des casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen-age, Louvain, 1962, p.19). H. MacKinnon attributes to William de Montibus (Essays in medieval history presented to Bertie Wilkinson, ed. T.A. Sandquist and M.R. Powicke, Toronto, 1969, pp.40-45). – Woodcut
Reference works Goff M766. – C 4302. – Camp(II) 1131 . – ILC 1613. – Inv Ant 122. – Polain(B) 3220. – IDL(Suppl) 3274a . – Finger 651. – GW M13769
Holdings AT: Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol. – BE: Antwerpen, MPM; Gent, UB. – GB: Cardiff UL. – DE: Düsseldorf ULB; Koblenz StB. – NL: The Hague RL. – NZ: Auckland PL. – US: Library of Congress, Rare Book Division


Modus poenitendi :
Libellus de modo poenitendi et confitendi

Antwerp : Govaert Bac, 24 Feb. 1496. – 4°. – ISTC im00772700

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Other editions of this work, also known from its incipit as Poeniteas cito, are entered under the heading Poenitentionarius. Attributed since the Middle Ages to Johannes de Garlandia or to Petrus Blesensis (cf. P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes des casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen-age, Louvain, 1962, p.19). H. MacKinnon attributes to William de Montibus (Essays in medieval history presented to Bertie Wilkinson, ed. T.A. Sandquist and M.R. Powicke, Toronto, 1969, pp.40-45). – Woodcut
Reference works C 4308. – Camp 1143. – ILC 1626. – Inv Ant 279. – Polain(B) 3225. – GW M13761
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: Edinburgh NLS


Morticellarium aureum

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 20 Feb. 1488. – 4°. – ISTC im00864000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Woodcut
Reference works Goff M864. – HC 11619*. – Camp-Kron 1270. – ILC 1636. – Inv Ant 154. – Pell Ms 8227 (8152). – CIBN M-549. – Elliott-Loose 406. – Arnoult 1066. – Polain(B) 2789. – IDL 3306. – IBE 4032. – Ohly-Sack 2052. – Hubay(Eichstätt) 717. – Voull(B) 4802,5. – Schäfer 248. – Finger 712, 713. – Walsh 3937. – Oates 3906. – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1222. – Bod-inc M-325. – Sheppard 7219, 7220. – Pr 9374. – BMC IX 190. – BSB-Ink M-576. – GW M25507
Holdings BE: Antwerpen, MPM; Brussels, BR. – GB: Birmingham Oratory; British Library; Cambridge UL; London, Lambeth Palace; Oxford Bodley; Oxford, Keble College. – FR: Charleville BM; Douai BM; Lille BM; Paris BN. – DE: Berlin SB; Darmstadt ULB; Düsseldorf ULB; Eichstätt UB; Frankfurt(Main) UB; Köln USB; Lüneburg RatsB; München BSB; Rostock UB; Schweinfurt Otto-Schäfer; Schweinfurt Schäfer. – NL: The Hague MMW; The Hague RL; Utrecht UB. – US: Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Marquette Univ., Raynor Library; San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Nicolaus de Hanapis :
Biblia pauperum

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes], 1491. – 4°. – ISTC in00103900

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – The Biblia pauperum here attributed to Bonaventura is a shortened version of de Hanapis's Virtutum vitiorumque exempla, more generally called Exempla sacrae Scripturae (V. Scholderer in Gb Jb 1936 pp.61-62, reprinted in Fifty Essays (Amsterdam, 1966) pp.140-41: Version E)
Reference works Goff B853. – HC 3503. – Camp 332. – ILC 1638. – Inv Ant 56. – BBFN Inc 106. – Pell 2583. – CIBN N-61. – Elliott-Loose 126. – Polain(B) 758. – IBP 3943. – IDL 3351. – Kotvan 879. – Ohly-Sack 2102. – Oates 3968. – BMC IX 184. – GW M26428
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL. – FR: Cambrai BM; Paris BN. – DE: Frankfurt(Main) UB. – NL: 's-Hertogenbosch OFM. – PL: Włocławek Sem. – SK: Bratislava UKn. – US: New York, The Morgan Library and Museum