Modus poenitendi:
Libellus de modo poenitendi et confitendi
ISTC No.im00772700
TitleLibellus de modo poenitendi et confitendi
ImprintAntwerp : Govaert Bac, 24 Feb. 1496
NotesReproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.
Other editions of this work, also known from its incipit as Poeniteas cito, are entered under the heading Poenitentionarius. Attributed since the Middle Ages to Johannes de Garlandia or to Petrus Blesensis (cf. P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes des casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen-age, Louvain, 1962, p.19). H. MacKinnon attributes to William de Montibus (Essays in medieval history presented to Bertie Wilkinson, ed. T.A. Sandquist and M.R. Powicke, Toronto, 1969, pp.40-45)
Language of itemlat
Reference worksC 4308; Camp 1143; ILC 1626; Inv Ant 279; Polain(B) 3225; GW M13761
BelgiumBrussels, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (imperfect, wanting leaves 7, 8, 12-14 and 16)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandEdinburgh, National Library of Scotland (2: Inc.314.7: Beattie(2) p.342. Inc.314.7* = Newb.3583(1)
Number of holding institutions2
Last Edit2023-11-01 12:00:00.00