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thesaurus/cnp01309592 Ballantyne, James Robert

Ballantyne, James Robert

Record IDcnp01309592
Biographical Data1813 - 1864
Place of BirthKelso, GB
Place of DeathLondres
Last Edit2024-10-16

General Note

Indianiste. - Principal, Governement Sanskrit college, Varanasi, Inde (1846-1861). - Bibliothécaire, East India office, Londres (en 1861)
Traduisait du sanskrit en anglais

More Information

Further Biographical Data1813-1864
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)English
Translator ofSanskrit
ActivityPhilologe (gnd)
Geographic NoteGB (iso3166)
NationalityUnited Kingdom

Place of Activity

Place of BirthKelso, GB (1813)
Lieu de naissance
Place of ActivityLondon
Place of DeathLondres (1864)
Lieu de mort


HeadingBallantyne, James Robert
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Ballantyne, James Robert
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variant NameBallantine, James R.
Ballantyne, James R.


Found inThe Laghukaumudi, a Sanskrit grammar / with an English version.... by James R. Ballantyne, 1881. — Internatl. encycl. of Indian lit. / G. R. Garg, 1987, vol. 1, part 1: Ballantyne, James R.. — LC authorities - http://authorities.loc.gov (2006-06-10). — BN Cat. gén. suppl.
Imprint SourcesA lecture on the Vedánta, embracing the text of the Vedánta Sara. - 1850
Badarayana: The aphorisms of the Vedánta philosophy of Bádaráyana, w. illustrat. ext*. - 1851
Ballantyne, James R.: Elements of Hindi and Bray Bhākhā Grammar. - 1839
Ballantyne, James R.: Elements of Hindī and Brag Bhākhā grammar. - 1839
Lectures on the Nyáya philosophy, embracing the text of the Tarka Sancraha. - 1849
Sánkara-Mis'ra: The aphorisms of the Vaiséshika philosophy of Kaṇáda. - 1851
Táttwa Samasa: A lecture on the Sánkhya philosophy, embracing the text of the Táttwa*. - 1850
Viswanátha Panchánana Bhattá: The Bhasha Parichheda and its commentary. - 1851

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