Indianiste. - Principal, Governement Sanskrit college, Varanasi, Inde (1846-1861). - Bibliothécaire, East India office, Londres (en 1861)
Traduisait du sanskrit en anglais
Weiterführende Informationen
Weitere Lebensdaten1813-1864
Übersetzer vonSanskrit
AktivitätPhilologe (gnd)
Geographische AnmerkungGB (iso3166)
NationalitätUnited Kingdom
AnsetzungsformBallantyne, James Robert
verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Ballantyne, James Robert
verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variante NamensformBallantine, James R.
Ballantyne, James R.
Nachgewiesen inThe Laghukaumudi, a Sanskrit grammar / with an English version.... by James R. Ballantyne, 1881. — Internatl. encycl. of Indian lit. / G. R. Garg, 1987, vol. 1, part 1: Ballantyne, James R.. — LC authorities - (2006-06-10). — BN Cat. gén. suppl.
WerkeA lecture on the Vedánta, embracing the text of the Vedánta Sara. - 1850
Badarayana: The aphorisms of the Vedánta philosophy of Bádaráyana, w. illustrat. ext*. - 1851
Ballantyne, James R.: Elements of Hindi and Bray Bhākhā Grammar. - 1839
Ballantyne, James R.: Elements of Hindī and Brag Bhākhā grammar. - 1839
Lectures on the Nyáya philosophy, embracing the text of the Tarka Sancraha. - 1849
Sánkara-Mis'ra: The aphorisms of the Vaiséshika philosophy of Kaṇáda. - 1851
Táttwa Samasa: A lecture on the Sánkhya philosophy, embracing the text of the Táttwa*. - 1850
Viswanátha Panchánana Bhattá: The Bhasha Parichheda and its commentary. - 1851