After her husband Charles's death, Mary Randall continued to publish large numbers of chapbooks most of which are undated. In 1816 she probably taught Peter Buchan to print in 'ten days service'. In 1820 she retired, perhaps at the instance of her son who had made a large fortune in Glasgow, and sold the business to William Macnie. She died 28 November 1847, age 71, and was buried beside her husband in Holy Rude Churchyard in Stirling.
Plus d'information
Dates d'activité1813-1820
Activitéprinter, bookseller and circulating library
Ressource en ligne Scottish Book Trade Index online (list)
Lieu d'activité
Lieu d'activitéStirling; Baker Street and Vennel Close (1813 - 1820)
RubriqueRandall, Mary utilisé dans: National Library of Scotland, Scottish Book Trade Index
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