accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Battus, Anton
[Person] . – cnp01107515
Björnsen, Lorenz
[Person] . – 1728 - 1784 . – cnp02125004
Boetius, A.
[Person] . – 1731 - . – cnp01977936
Brant, Anton
[Person] . – 1585 - . – cnp01117323
Dreier, Peter
[Person] . – 1646 - 1651 . – cnp00475258
Eichel, Christian Johann
[Person] . – 1684 - . – cnp00439435
Eichel, Johann
[Person] . – 1666 - 1736 . – cnp00460116
Feddersen, Lucia
[Person] . – 1674 - 1739 . – cnp02184935
Fischer, Arendt
[Person] . – 1678 - 1736 . – cnp02359432
Hansen, Chr.
[Person] . – 1830 - 1862 . – cnp01274343
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