Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Waerachtighe beschrijuinghe Joannis Sleidani, hoe dat het met de religie [...] onder [...] keyser Carel de V. ghestaen heeft

2nd enlarged impression. — Hantwerpen, A. s'Coninx, 1584 (2A1: G. Gheens de ionghe, 1583)

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 38013165X

Waerachtighe beschrijuinghe Joannis Sleidani, hoe dat het met de religie [...] onder [...] keyser Carel de V. ghestaen heeft
Waerachtighe beschryvinghe, hoe dattet met de religie ghestaen heeft [...] onder [...] keyser Carolo de vijfste. / By Johan Sleidan. ; Translated from the Latin into Dutch by W. Deelen

De amphitheatro liber. / By Justus Lipsius

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. C. Plantini, 1585

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 305867024

De amphitheatro liber. / By Justus Lipsius

De roomsche historie oft gesten. / By Titus Livius

Amsterdam, L. Iacobszoon bookseller (colophon: Leyden, printed by J. Paedts Iacobszoon and J. Bouwenszoon), 1585

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 058337202

De roomsche historie oft gesten. / By Titus Livius

Opera qvæ exstant. / By C. Cornelius Tacitus. ; Edited and annotated by J. Lipsius

Antverpiæ, apud C. Plantinum, 1585

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 107112191

Opera qvæ exstant. / By C. Cornelius Tacitus. ; Edited and annotated by J. Lipsius

Electorvm liber primvs(-secvndvs). / By Justus Lipsius

Corrected enlarged edition. — Antverpiæ, apud C. Plantinum, 1585

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 044075464

Electorvm liber primvs(-secvndvs). / By Justus Lipsius

Opera omnia qvæ ad criticam proprie spectant. / By Justus Lipsius

Corrected enlarged edition. — Antverpiæ, apud C. Plantinum (colophon 2P4: exc.), 1585

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 044074565

Opera omnia qvæ ad criticam proprie spectant. / By Justus Lipsius

Ad Annales Cor. Taciti liber commentarivs. / By Justus Lipsius

Antverpiæ, apud C. Plantinum, 1585

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 10711240X

Ad Annales Cor. Taciti liber commentarivs. / By Justus Lipsius

Ad libros historiarvm notae. / By Justus Lipsius

Antverpiæ, apud C. Plantinum, 1585

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 107112655

Ad libros historiarvm notae. / By Justus Lipsius

Electorvm liber primvs(-secvndvs). / By Justus Lipsius

Corrected enlarged edition. — Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. C. Plantini, 1585

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 114377219

Electorvm liber primvs(-secvndvs). / By Justus Lipsius