Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/38013165X Pescheck, Christiana Rahel

Title information

STCN ID38013165X
TitleWaerachtighe beschrijuinghe Joannis Sleidani, hoe dat het met de religie [...] onder [...] keyser Carel de V. ghestaen heeft
Edition2nd enlarged impression
ImprintHantwerpen, A. s'Coninx, 1584 (2A1: G. Gheens de ionghe, 1583)

Bibliographic information

Extent121.5 sheets
CollationA-3G8 3H6 (<...>)8 2A-F8 (lacks (<...>)8, blank?)
Fingerprint158404 - b1 A2 ac : b2 3H5 aus$g - c1 (<...>) eri : c2 (<...>)5 incx$tot - 2b1 A2 es$ : 2b2 F5 en$h
Typographical featurestitle-page in multiple colours

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageLatin
Year of publication1584
General NotePrinted in Delft by A. Hendricksz (gatherings A-2G) and in Antwerp by J. Verwithagen (gatherings 2H to end) (TB)
Another issue of the editions Hantwerpen, G. Gheens de ionghe, 1584; and Leyden, J. Paets Iacobszoon and J. Bouwenszoon, 1584; entitled: Waerachtighe beschryvinghe, hoe dattet met de religie ghestaen heeft [...] onder [...] keyser Carolo de vijfste
Incorporates: J. Sleidanus, De quatuor summis imperiis, Babylonico, Persico, Græco, et Romano, libri tres, Dutch, 1583
Bibliographical referenceP. Valkema Blouw, Typographia Batava, 1541-1600 (1998), 4628
Uniform titleDe statu religionis et reipublicae. Dutch

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorSleidanus, Johannes [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-09 23:03:29


Sample pages

Londen, Nederlandse Kerk Austin Friars: D5.06

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Title information

STCN ID38013165X
TitleWaerachtighe beschrijuinghe Joannis Sleidani, hoe dat het met de religie [...] onder [...] keyser Carel de V. ghestaen heeft
Edition2nd enlarged impression
ImprintHantwerpen, A. s'Coninx, 1584 (2A1: G. Gheens de ionghe, 1583)

Bibliographic information

Extent121.5 sheets
CollationA-3G8 3H6 (<...>)8 2A-F8 (lacks (<...>)8, blank?)
Fingerprint158404 - b1 A2 ac : b2 3H5 aus$g - c1 (<...>) eri : c2 (<...>)5 incx$tot - 2b1 A2 es$ : 2b2 F5 en$h
Typographical featurestitle-page in multiple colours

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageLatin
Year of publication1584
General NotePrinted in Delft by A. Hendricksz (gatherings A-2G) and in Antwerp by J. Verwithagen (gatherings 2H to end) (TB)
Another issue of the editions Hantwerpen, G. Gheens de ionghe, 1584; and Leyden, J. Paets Iacobszoon and J. Bouwenszoon, 1584; entitled: Waerachtighe beschryvinghe, hoe dattet met de religie ghestaen heeft [...] onder [...] keyser Carolo de vijfste
Incorporates: J. Sleidanus, De quatuor summis imperiis, Babylonico, Persico, Græco, et Romano, libri tres, Dutch, 1583
Bibliographical referenceP. Valkema Blouw, Typographia Batava, 1541-1600 (1998), 4628
Uniform titleDe statu religionis et reipublicae. Dutch

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorSleidanus, Johannes [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-09 23:03:29
