Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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1594 Hits

Disputationum anatomicarum de corporis animalis oeconomia prima. / By Henricus Christianus Henningius. ; Praes.: J. Munnicks

Tractatus de homine, et de formatione foetus. / By Renatus Des-Cartes. ; Annotated by L. de La Forge

Amstelodami, apud D. Elsevirium, 1677

14 Copies. — STCN ID: 850672848

Tractatus de homine, et de formatione foetus. / By Renatus Des-Cartes. ; Annotated by L. de La Forge
Disputationum anatomicarum de corporis animalis oeconomia secunda. / By Arnoldus de Lamzweerde. ; Praes.: J. Munnicks

De ovariis mulierum et generationis historia epistola anatomica. / By Casparus Bartholinus Thom. F

Amstelædami, sumpt. JH. Wetstenii, 1678

5 Copies. — STCN ID: 096829850

De ovariis mulierum et generationis historia epistola anatomica. / By Casparus Bartholinus Thom. F
sample page

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus. / By Henricus van Rheede van Draakenstein et al. ; Annotated by A. Syen (et al.)

Amstelodami, sumpt. J. van Someren and J. van Dyck (title-page volume 2: sumpt. vid. J. van Someren and haer. J. van Dyck; title-pages volumes 3-12: and H. and vid. T. Boom), 1678-1703

14 Copies. — STCN ID: 841195595

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus. / By Henricus van Rheede van Draakenstein et al. ; Annotated by A. Syen (et al.)

A description of the nature of four-footed beasts. / By John Johnston. ; Translated from the Latin into English by J.P.

Amsterdam, for widow J.J. Schipper and S. Swart, 1678

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 205150373

A description of the nature of four-footed beasts. / By John Johnston. ; Translated from the Latin into English by J.P.
Dissertatio de plantarum vegetatione. / By Kenelmus Dygbaeus. ; Translated from the English into Latin
A catalogue of all the cheifest rarities in the publick theater and anatomie-hall of the University Leiden. / By Gerardus Blanken
A description of the nature of four-footed beasts. / By John Johnston. ; Translated from the Latin into English by J.P.
sample page

De unicornu observationes novæ. / By Thomas Bartholinus. ; 2nd corrected enlarged edition by C. Bartholin

Amstelædami, apud JH. Wetstenium, 1678

18 Copies. — STCN ID: 842258639

De unicornu observationes novæ. / By Thomas Bartholinus. ; 2nd corrected enlarged edition by C. Bartholin