Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/841195595 Dupont, André Jean Baptiste Bonaventure

Title information

STCN ID841195595
TitleHortus Indicus Malabaricus. / By Henricus van Rheede van Draakenstein et al. ; Annotated by A. Syen (et al.)
ImprintAmstelodami, sumpt. J. van Someren and J. van Dyck (title-page volume 2: sumpt. vid. J. van Someren and haer. J. van Dyck; title-pages volumes 3-12: and H. and vid. T. Boom), 1678-1703

Bibliographic information

Extent12 volumes ; 183 sheets
Collationvolume 1: [*]2 2*-4*2 5*1 A-B2 C-F1 G2 H-2N1 2O2 2P-3E1 3F2 [3G]1
volume 2: *-2*2 A-2C1 2D-2E2 2F-2N1 2O2 2P-3E1 3F2
volume 3: π2 *1 2*-6*2 A2 B-C1 D2 E-F1 G2 H-I1 K2 L-S1 T2 V-2D1 2E2 2F-2P1
volume 4: *2 A-B2 C1 D2 E-F1 G2 H-M1 N2 O-3L1 3M2
volume 5: *-2*2 A-3O1 [3P]1
volume 6: *-2*2 A-2L1 2M2 2N-3G1 3H2
volume 7: π2 A-2F2
volume 8: π2 A-2B2
volume 9: *-2*2 A-4P1 4Q2
volume 10: π2 A-5C1
volume 11: π1 A-2K2
volume 12: π1 A-2R2
Fingerprintvolume 1: 167802 - a1 2* q : a2 5* s$ope - b1 A n : b2 3F2 factu
volume 2: 167902 - a1 *2 cto : a2 2*2 s$jact - b1 A Pó : b2 3F ut
volume 3: 168202 - a1 * em : a2 6*2 acceptu - b1 A v : b2 2P ,$sed$
volume 3: 168202 - a1 * em : a2 6*2 acceptu - b1 A v : b2 2P ecies,
volume 4: 167302 - a1=a2 *2 rti - b1 A t : b2 3M $Berk
volume 4: 168302 - a1=a2 *2 rti - b1 A t : b2 3M $Berk
volume 5: 168502 - a1 *2 niæ : a2 2*2 $illu - b1 A r : b2 3O &$T
volume 6: 168602 - a1 *2 alt : *a2 2* nd - b1 A t$ : *b2 3B nitum$ge
volume 7: 168802 - b1 A n : *b2 2E ic
volume 8: 168802 - b1 A c : *b2 2A ng
volume 9: 168902 - a1 *2 $il : a2 2* as - b1 A a : b2 4Q rgit$c
volume 10: 169002 - b1 A mi : b2 4Y enses$ejusde
volume 11: 169202 - b1 A a : b2 2K $h
volume 11: 169202 - b1 A u : b2 2K $h
volume 12: 170302 - b1 A a : *b2 2O um$
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationLatin
Year of publication1678
General NoteVolumes 2-12 annotated by J. Commelin

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 18:22:43


volume 1 lacks 5*1
volumes 2-12 only
volume 1 only ; lacks *51
volumes 1-6 only

Sample pages

Dublin, Trinity College: Fag.M.3.27-38
Dublin, Trinity College: Fag.M.3.27-38

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Title information

STCN ID841195595
TitleHortus Indicus Malabaricus. / By Henricus van Rheede van Draakenstein et al. ; Annotated by A. Syen (et al.)
ImprintAmstelodami, sumpt. J. van Someren and J. van Dyck (title-page volume 2: sumpt. vid. J. van Someren and haer. J. van Dyck; title-pages volumes 3-12: and H. and vid. T. Boom), 1678-1703

Bibliographic information

Extent12 volumes ; 183 sheets
Collationvolume 1: [*]2 2*-4*2 5*1 A-B2 C-F1 G2 H-2N1 2O2 2P-3E1 3F2 [3G]1
volume 2: *-2*2 A-2C1 2D-2E2 2F-2N1 2O2 2P-3E1 3F2
volume 3: π2 *1 2*-6*2 A2 B-C1 D2 E-F1 G2 H-I1 K2 L-S1 T2 V-2D1 2E2 2F-2P1
volume 4: *2 A-B2 C1 D2 E-F1 G2 H-M1 N2 O-3L1 3M2
volume 5: *-2*2 A-3O1 [3P]1
volume 6: *-2*2 A-2L1 2M2 2N-3G1 3H2
volume 7: π2 A-2F2
volume 8: π2 A-2B2
volume 9: *-2*2 A-4P1 4Q2
volume 10: π2 A-5C1
volume 11: π1 A-2K2
volume 12: π1 A-2R2
Fingerprintvolume 1: 167802 - a1 2* q : a2 5* s$ope - b1 A n : b2 3F2 factu
volume 2: 167902 - a1 *2 cto : a2 2*2 s$jact - b1 A Pó : b2 3F ut
volume 3: 168202 - a1 * em : a2 6*2 acceptu - b1 A v : b2 2P ,$sed$
volume 3: 168202 - a1 * em : a2 6*2 acceptu - b1 A v : b2 2P ecies,
volume 4: 167302 - a1=a2 *2 rti - b1 A t : b2 3M $Berk
volume 4: 168302 - a1=a2 *2 rti - b1 A t : b2 3M $Berk
volume 5: 168502 - a1 *2 niæ : a2 2*2 $illu - b1 A r : b2 3O &$T
volume 6: 168602 - a1 *2 alt : *a2 2* nd - b1 A t$ : *b2 3B nitum$ge
volume 7: 168802 - b1 A n : *b2 2E ic
volume 8: 168802 - b1 A c : *b2 2A ng
volume 9: 168902 - a1 *2 $il : a2 2* as - b1 A a : b2 4Q rgit$c
volume 10: 169002 - b1 A mi : b2 4Y enses$ejusde
volume 11: 169202 - b1 A a : b2 2K $h
volume 11: 169202 - b1 A u : b2 2K $h
volume 12: 170302 - b1 A a : *b2 2O um$
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationLatin
Year of publication1678
General NoteVolumes 2-12 annotated by J. Commelin

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 18:22:43


volume 1 lacks 5*1
volumes 2-12 only
volume 1 only ; lacks *51
volumes 1-6 only