Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
: Auct. 6Q 3.19.
ISTC No.it00205000
AutoreThomas Aquinas
TitoloSumma theologiae: Pars secunda: prima pars
Note tipograficheVenice : Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, Bartholomaeus de Blavis, de Alexandria and Mapheus de Paterbonis, 1483
Parole chiaveeducation; philosophy
Descrizione dell'esemplare
ID dell'esemplare00204245
BibliotecaOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
Segnatura di collocazioneAuct. 6Q 3.19.
NotaBodInc-Id: T-170(1)
1483 -
LuogoDortmund (Geonames ID: 2935517)
Epoca1483 - 1816
Tipologia del segno di provenienzaNota di possesso manoscritta
NotaIinscription on a2r: 'Conuentus Tremon Ord. Fratrum Praedicatorum'.
1835 -
Epoca1835 - 1835
PossessoreKloß, Georg Franz Burkhard, 1787 - 1854 [Persona; Possessore precedente] (Maschile) Frankfurt am Main, see ADB XVI 227-8; on the manuscripts of Kloß, see Ulrich-Dieter Oppitz, `Georg Kloss und seine Handschriftensammlung', Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 22/1 (1997), 1-47; sale, Catalogue of the Library of Dr Kloss, of Franckfort a M., Professor (London: Sotheby & Son, 7 May 1835); many of the books purchased by the Bodleian at this sale are bound in a characteristic `Kloß' binding of half calf with pasteboards covered with green and blue marbled paper, and with a red and a green label on the spine, each inscribed in gilt; however, several other books purchased at this sale were rebound, apparently by Sotheby's, in half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; the evidence to suggest this comes from J-253, on which the spine is detached, revealing paper underneath with text in English, which would suggest an English binding; given that it is not a typical Bodleian binding, the probability is that it was bound for Sotheby's; according to Munby, Phillipps Studies, IV 177, there was another Kloß sale by L. A. Lewis, 125 Fleet Street, 18 June, 1841.
Tipologia del segno di provenienzaLegatura
NotaGeorg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); see binding; not identified in his sale (1835).
1840 -
Epoca1840 - 1840
PossessoreButler, Samuel (1774-1839), 1774 - 1839 [Possessore precedente] Bishop of Lichfield; see DNB; de Ricci, English Collectors, 114-15; Catalogue of the Library of the Late Right Rev. Samuel Butler, D.D., Lord Bishop of Lichfield (London: Christie & Manson, pt I, 23 Mar.; pt II, 1 June 1840); (London: Payne and Foss, pt III, 1841). A list of purchases made at the Butler sale, part 1, via Thomas Rodd, is kept, unnumbered, with the Library Bills for 1840.
NotaSamuel Butler (1774-1839); sale, pt II, lot 216.
1602 -
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Ultima modifica2019-04-10 18:00:00