Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00204245 Auct. 6Q 3.19. [00204245]

Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB) : Auct. 6Q 3.19.

ISTC Nr.it00205000
VerfasserThomas Aquinas
TitelSumma theologiae: Pars secunda: prima pars
ErscheinungsvermerkVenice : Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, Bartholomaeus de Blavis, de Alexandria and Mapheus de Paterbonis, 1483
Stichwörtereducation; philosophy

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.00204245
Besitzende BibliothekOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
SignaturAuct. 6Q 3.19.
AnmerkungBodInc-Id: T-170(1)
Weitere Identifiertit00205000 (TextInc)

Provenienz 1483 - 1816

OrtDortmund (Geonames ID: 2935517)
Zeitraum1483 - 1816
ProvenienznameDortmund, Dominicans; St John the Baptist, OP, 1309-1816 [Körperschaft; Vorbesitzer] (Religiöse Einrichtung, Religiös)
Art der ProvienienzSchriftliche Eintragung
AnmerkungIinscription on a2r: 'Conuentus Tremon Ord. Fratrum Praedicatorum'.


Provenienz 1835 - 1835

Zeitraum1835 - 1835
ProvenienznameKloß, Georg Franz Burkhard, 1787 - 1854 [Person; Vorbesitzer] (Männlich) Frankfurt am Main, see ADB XVI 227-8; on the manuscripts of Kloß, see Ulrich-Dieter Oppitz, `Georg Kloss und seine Handschriftensammlung', Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 22/1 (1997), 1-47; sale, Catalogue of the Library of Dr Kloss, of Franckfort a M., Professor (London: Sotheby & Son, 7 May 1835); many of the books purchased by the Bodleian at this sale are bound in a characteristic `Kloß' binding of half calf with pasteboards covered with green and blue marbled paper, and with a red and a green label on the spine, each inscribed in gilt; however, several other books purchased at this sale were rebound, apparently by Sotheby's, in half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; the evidence to suggest this comes from J-253, on which the spine is detached, revealing paper underneath with text in English, which would suggest an English binding; given that it is not a typical Bodleian binding, the probability is that it was bound for Sotheby's; according to Munby, Phillipps Studies, IV 177, there was another Kloß sale by L. A. Lewis, 125 Fleet Street, 18 June, 1841.
Art der ProvienienzEinband
AnmerkungGeorg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); see binding; not identified in his sale (1835).

Provenienz 1840 - 1840

Zeitraum1840 - 1840
ProvenienznameButler, Samuel (1774-1839), 1774 - 1839 [Vorbesitzer] Bishop of Lichfield; see DNB; de Ricci, English Collectors, 114-15; Catalogue of the Library of the Late Right Rev. Samuel Butler, D.D., Lord Bishop of Lichfield (London: Christie & Manson, pt I, 23 Mar.; pt II, 1 June 1840); (London: Payne and Foss, pt III, 1841). A list of purchases made at the Butler sale, part 1, via Thomas Rodd, is kept, unnumbered, with the Library Bills for 1840.
AnmerkungSamuel Butler (1774-1839); sale, pt II, lot 216.

Provenienz 1602 -

OrtOxford (Geonames ID: 2640729)
ProvenienznameOxford, Bodleian library, 1602 - [Körperschaft] (Universität, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)

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Letzte Änderung2019-04-10 18:00:00

Alle Exemplare


Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB) : Auct. 6Q 3.19.

ISTC Nr.it00205000
VerfasserThomas Aquinas
TitelSumma theologiae: Pars secunda: prima pars
ErscheinungsvermerkVenice : Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, Bartholomaeus de Blavis, de Alexandria and Mapheus de Paterbonis, 1483
Stichwörtereducation; philosophy

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.00204245
Besitzende BibliothekOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
SignaturAuct. 6Q 3.19.
AnmerkungBodInc-Id: T-170(1)
Weitere Identifiertit00205000 (TextInc)

Provenienz 1483 - 1816

OrtDortmund (Geonames ID: 2935517)
Zeitraum1483 - 1816
ProvenienznameDortmund, Dominicans; St John the Baptist, OP, 1309-1816 [Körperschaft; Vorbesitzer] (Religiöse Einrichtung, Religiös)
Art der ProvienienzSchriftliche Eintragung
AnmerkungIinscription on a2r: 'Conuentus Tremon Ord. Fratrum Praedicatorum'.


Provenienz 1835 - 1835

Zeitraum1835 - 1835
ProvenienznameKloß, Georg Franz Burkhard, 1787 - 1854 [Person; Vorbesitzer] (Männlich) Frankfurt am Main, see ADB XVI 227-8; on the manuscripts of Kloß, see Ulrich-Dieter Oppitz, `Georg Kloss und seine Handschriftensammlung', Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 22/1 (1997), 1-47; sale, Catalogue of the Library of Dr Kloss, of Franckfort a M., Professor (London: Sotheby & Son, 7 May 1835); many of the books purchased by the Bodleian at this sale are bound in a characteristic `Kloß' binding of half calf with pasteboards covered with green and blue marbled paper, and with a red and a green label on the spine, each inscribed in gilt; however, several other books purchased at this sale were rebound, apparently by Sotheby's, in half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; the evidence to suggest this comes from J-253, on which the spine is detached, revealing paper underneath with text in English, which would suggest an English binding; given that it is not a typical Bodleian binding, the probability is that it was bound for Sotheby's; according to Munby, Phillipps Studies, IV 177, there was another Kloß sale by L. A. Lewis, 125 Fleet Street, 18 June, 1841.
Art der ProvienienzEinband
AnmerkungGeorg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); see binding; not identified in his sale (1835).

Provenienz 1840 - 1840

Zeitraum1840 - 1840
ProvenienznameButler, Samuel (1774-1839), 1774 - 1839 [Vorbesitzer] Bishop of Lichfield; see DNB; de Ricci, English Collectors, 114-15; Catalogue of the Library of the Late Right Rev. Samuel Butler, D.D., Lord Bishop of Lichfield (London: Christie & Manson, pt I, 23 Mar.; pt II, 1 June 1840); (London: Payne and Foss, pt III, 1841). A list of purchases made at the Butler sale, part 1, via Thomas Rodd, is kept, unnumbered, with the Library Bills for 1840.
AnmerkungSamuel Butler (1774-1839); sale, pt II, lot 216.


OrtOxford (Geonames ID: 2640729)
ProvenienznameOxford, Bodleian library, 1602 - [Körperschaft] (Universität, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)

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Letzte Änderung2019-04-10 18:00:00