Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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20 Hits



Bartholomaeus Anglicus :
De proprietatibus rerum

Nuremberg : Anton Koberger, 20 June 1492. – f°. – ISTC ib00141000

Reference works Goff B141. – HC 2510*. – Klebs 149.12. – Pell 1876. – CIBN B-104. – Arnoult 212. – Fernillot 113. – Girard 66. – Lefèvre 70. – Polain(B) 4187. – IDL 677. – IGI 1259. – IBE 760. – CCIR B-17. – IBP 804. – IBPort 238. – IJL2 62. – SI 562. – Mendes 166. – Coll(U) 245. – Sallander 245 bis. – Coll(S) 1153. – Madsen 554, 555, T8. – Martín Abad B-41. – Günt(L) 2065. – Voull(Trier) 1086. – Voull(B) 1738. – Hubay(Eichstätt) 134. – Hubay(Augsburg) 293. – Hummel-Wilhelmi 90. – Kind(Göttingen) 1984. – Döring-Fuchs B-75, [B-76]. – Walsh 719. – Oates 1022. – Bod-inc B-066. – Sheppard 1514. – Pr 2073. – BMC II 435. – BSB-Ink B-99. – GW 3413
Holdings AT: Feldkirch, StB; Fiecht, Benediktiner; Graz, UB; Göttweig, Benediktiner; Heiligenkreuz, Zisterzienser; Innsbruck, Kapuziner; Klagenfurt, UB; Michaelbeuern, Benediktiner; Salzburg, Kapuziner; Salzburg, St. Peter; Salzburg, UB; St. Florian, Chorherren; Wien, Schotten; Wien, UB; Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Mons, BU FP. – GB: Birmingham UL; British Library; British Library; Cambridge UL; Cambridge, Trinity College; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley. – CA: Montreal, McGill UL; Montreal, McGill(Osler) UL. – HR: Zagreb M. – CZ: Prague NL; Teplá Klášter. – DK: Copenhagen RL; Haderslev KSkole. – FR: Bordeaux BM; Montpellier BIU; Paris BN; Paris Sorbonne; Valognes BM; Épernay BM. – DE: Arnstadt KB; Augsburg SStB; Bamberg SB; Berlin HUB WissGesch; Berlin SB; Darmstadt ULB; Dettelbach FranziskKl; Dresden SLUB; Eichstätt UB; Erfurt StuRB; Erlangen UB; Frankfurt(Main) SenckenbergB; Fulda ZBFranziskaner Frauenberg; Giessen UB; Goch GaesdonckB; Gotha ForschLB; Göttingen SUB; Hamburg SUB; Karlsruhe BLB; Künzelsau KapitelsB; Leipzig UB; Lübeck StB; Lüneburg RatsB; Mainz PriesterSem/MartinusB; Marburg UB; München BSB; München DM; München UB; Neuburg(Donau) SB; Nürnberg GNM; Nürnberg StB; Offenbach Wetterdienst; Oldenburg LB; Regensburg TuT; Rendsburg KirchenArch GudeB; Rothenburg o.d.T. StArch; Speyer KaiserdomGym; Straubing Johannes-TurmairGym; Stuttgart WLB; Trier StB; Weimar HAAB; Würzburg UB; Xanten StiftsB; Zerbst GymFrancisceum; Zwickau RatsSchB. – IT: Gaeta C; Macerata C; Mantova C; Milano N; Napoli Soc Storia Patria; Palermo R; Roma Cas; Roma Coll S Isidoro; Roma Cors; Roma FAO; Roma Lanc; Roma N. – JP: Tokyo, Keio UL. – NL: Utrecht UB. – PL: Elbląg Norwida; Gdańsk PAN; Gniezno AA; Kraków ASP; Kórnik PAN; Lublin KUL; Pelplin Sem; Poznań AA; Warsaw GBL; Warsaw N; Wrocław O; Wrocław U. – PT: Lisboa BN. – RO: Cluj-Napoca Acad. – RU: St Petersburg Akad; St Petersburg NL. – SE: Lund UB; Skokloster Castle; Stockholm RL; Uppsala UB. – CH: Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek. – US: Amherst College; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Collection of the late Phyllis and John Gordan, New York NY; Colorado State University Libraries, Special Collections; Columbia Univ., Health Sciences Library; Corning Museum of Glass; Free Library of Philadelphia, Copinger-Widener Collection; Michigan State Univ.; Princeton Univ., Firestone Library; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; St Bonaventure Univ., Friedsam Memorial Library; Univ. of California, Bancroft Library; Univ. of Michigan, Stephen Spaulding Collection; Univ. of Minnesota, The Univ. Library; Univ. of North Carolina Library; Univ. of Oregon Library; Yale Univ., Beinecke Library


Berengarius de Landora :
De septem peccatis mortalibus, i.e. Lumen animae, Titulus 75. Ed.: Matthias Farinator

[Strassburg : C.W., not after 1474]. – f°. – ISTC ib00341800

Notes Assigned to C.W. (sometimes identified tentatively as Clas Wencker or Conrad Wolfach) by P. Needham, in British Library Journal 6 (1980) pp. 130-43 (cf BMC II 409). The Uppsala copy has an owner's date 1474. – The text is traditionally ascribed to Aurelius Prudentius Clemens. See however R. Cruel, Geschichte der deutschen Predigt im Mittelalter, 1879, p. 460
Reference works Goff P1031. – HC 13437*. – Pell Ms 9797 (9613). – CIBN P-642. – Castan(Besançon) 795. – IGI 8114. – IBP 4609. – SI 623. – Sajó-Soltész 2851. – Coll(U) 1264. – Schlechter-Ries 573. – Voull(B) 1794. – Martín Abad P-200. – Deckert 537, 538. – Hubay(Würzburg) 1781. – Pr 1963. – BMC III 860. – BSB-Ink D-67. – GW M35865
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – GB: British Library; Cambridge, Trinity College; Manchester JRL. – CZ: Prague NL. – FR: Besançon BM; Metz BM; Paris BN. – DE: Bamberg SB; Dresden SLUB; Freiberg Geschwister-SchollGym; Gotha ForschLB; Halle ULB; Heidelberg UB; Marburg UB; München BSB; Rostock UB; Tübingen UB; Würzburg UB. – HU: Budapest Bibl nat. – IT: Bressanone Sem; Firenze N. – PL: Kraków KR. – SE: Uppsala UB. – US: Concordia Seminary, Pritzlaff Memorial Library; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum


Breviarium Caminense (Cammin, Kamien)

[Bamberg or Nuremberg? : Printer of the 'Breviarium Caminense', about 1480?]. – 4°. – ISTC ib01150550

Reference works GfT 1891. – Voull(B) 2709,5. – GW 5298
Holdings DE: Berlin SB


Claus :
Bruder Claus

Nuremberg : Marx Ayrer, [14]88. – 4°. – ISTC ic00709000

Notes Woodcuts. – Nikolaus von Flüe (or Bruder Klaus, 1417-1487) was the national saint of Switzerland (GW)
Reference works Goff C709. – H 5380*. – GfT 27. – Schr 4839. – Schramm XVIII p. 20. – Voull(B) 1897. – BSB-Ink B-926. – GW 7075
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – DE: Bamberg SB; Berlin SB; München BSB. – US: New York, The Morgan Library and Museum


Folz, Hans :
Liber collationum [German verse]: Konfektbuch

[Bamberg : Johann Sensenschmidt and Heinrich Petzensteiner], 1485. – f°. – ISTC if00240000

Notes GW assigns to Bamberg, Goff to Nuremberg. Geldner (Die Buchdruckerkunst im alten Bamberg, 55) says the printing was by Sensenschmidt at Regensburg or by Petzensteiner alone at Bamberg. Walsh assigns to Sensenschmidt alone at Bamberg
Reference works Goff F240. – H 7222. – Klebs 415.1. – Borm 1066. – Walsh 312. – Ballard 323. – GW 10162
Holdings DE: Wolfenbüttel HAB. – US: Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine


Hieronymus :
Aureola ex floribus S. Hieronymi contexta

[Nuremberg : Johann Sensenschmidt, about 1470-72]. – f°. – ISTC ih00154000

Notes The Aureola is the work elsewhere attributed to Lupus de Oliveto (or Olmeto) with title Regula monachorum ex Epistolis Hieronymi excerpta (B. Lambert, Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta, IIIb (Steenbrugis, 1970) no. 552; Sack). The 'editorship' of Thomas Dorniberg seems to apply only to the Speyer edition, where Dorniberg states that this selection from Jerome's writings was made by an anonymous compiler (cf. BMC II 482)
Reference works Goff H154. – H 8585*. – Pell Ms 5973 (5961). – CIBN H-91. – IGI 3574. – SI 1910. – Kotvan 628. – Sack(Freiburg) 2294. – Sajó-Soltész 1675. – CCIR H-22 . – Coll(S) 523. – Madsen 1962. – Günt(L) 2133. – Voull(B) 1637. – Sack(Freiburg) 2294. – Borm 1336. – AmBCat 107. – Walsh 662. – Bod-inc H-100. – Sheppard 1387, 1388. – Pr 1956. – BMC II 404. – BSB-Ink L-293. – GW M07940
Holdings AT: Graz, UB; Göttweig, Benediktiner; Klosterneuburg, Chorherren; Linz, OberösterreichLB; Melk, Benediktiner; Wien, ÖNB. – GB: British Library; Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum; Oxford Bodley. – CZ: Prague NL. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: Bamberg SB; Berlin SB; Brandenburg DomstiftsArch; Bremen SUB; Freiburg i.Br. UB; Halle ULB; Hamburg SUB; Heilbronn StArch; Karlsruhe BLB; Kiel UB; Klosterlechfeld FranziskKl; Leipzig UB; München BSB; München UB; Nürnberg StB; Stuttgart WLB; Wolfenbüttel HAB; Würzburg UB. – HU: Budapest Acad. – IT: Milano N; Novara Sem. – RO: Alba Iulia Batthyaneum. – RU: Moscow SL. – SK: Martin Matica. – SE: Stockholm RL. – CH: Basel UB. – US: Brown Univ., Annmary Brown Memorial Collection; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Kent State Univ. Library; Library Company of Philadelphia; Southern Methodist Univ., Bridwell Library; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Honorius Augustodunensis :
De praedestinatione et libero arbitrio. Add: De cognitione verae vitae

[Strassburg : C.W., about 1471]. – f°. – ISTC ih00323400

Notes Assigned to C.W. (sometimes identified tentatively as Clas Wencker or Conrad Wolfach) by P. Needham, in British Library Journal 6 (1980) pp. 130-43 (cf BMC II 409)
Reference works H 8801*. – Pell Ms 6072 (6052). – CIBN H-189. – IBP 2852. – Sajó-Soltész 1726. – Madsen 2012. – Günt(L) 2111. – Voull(Trier) 1130. – Voull(B) 1790. – Hubay(Würzburg) 1124. – Sack(Freiburg) 1868. – Pr 1962. – BMC II 411. – BSB-Ink H-331.050. – GW 12943
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – GB: British Library; Edinburgh UL; Glasgow UL. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: Bamberg SB; Freiburg i.Br. UB; Gotha ForschLB; Hannover NLB; Leipzig UB; Mainz GM/StB; Michelstadt NicolausMatzB; München BSB; Neuburg(Donau) SB; Trier StB; Würzburg UB. – HU: Budapest Acad. – PL: Kraków J; Wrocław U. – RU: St Petersburg NL. – US: New York Public Library, Rare Book Division. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Institoris, Henricus and Jacobus Sprenger :
Malleus maleficarum

Nuremberg : Anton Koberger, 17 Mar. 1494. – 4°. – ISTC ii00166000

Notes For variant see CIBN. – On the authorship, see G. Jerouschek (ed.), Malleus maleficarum 1487 (Hildesheim, 1992) pp.XL-XLIII. The author's name is also recorded as Heinrich Kramer
Reference works Goff I166. – HC 9245*. – Klebs 926.4. – Pell Ms 6341 (6318). – CIBN I-56. – Hillard 1089. – Arnoult 852. – Parguez 568. – Polain(B) 2124. – IBE 3056. – IBPort 933. – IGI 5184. – IBP 3074. – SI 2048. – Coll(U) 750. – Madsen 2102. – Lőkkös(Cat BPU) 250. – Šimáková-Vrchotka 1032. – Ernst(Hildesheim) I,I 254. – Günt(L) 2074. – Voull(Trier) 1102. – Voull(B) 1748. – Ohly-Sack 1613. – Sack(Freiburg) 2030. – Schlechter-Ries 976. – Borm 1498. – Kind(Göttingen) 1398. – Walsh 738, 739, 740. – Oates 1033. – Bod-inc I-022. – Sheppard 1527. – Pr 2090. – BMC II 438. – BSB-Ink I-227. – GW M12471
Holdings AU: Perth UL. – AT: Graz, SteiermarkLB; Göttweig, Benediktiner; Melk, Benediktiner; Rein, Zisterzienser; Salzburg, St. Peter; Schlierbach, Zisterzienser; Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Antwerpen, EHC; Brugge, BGS; Sint-Truiden, O.F.M.. – GB: Brighton PL; British Library; Cambridge UL; Glasgow UL; Leeds UL; London UL; London, University College; London, Wellcome Library; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley. – CZ: Křivoklát ZámKn; Prague Strahov. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Besançon BM; Lyon BM; Paris BN; Paris Mazarine; Reims BM. – DE: Bamberg SB; Bautzen DomstiftsB; Berlin DHM; Bonn ULB; Darmstadt ULB; Eichstätt UB; Erfurt StuRB; Erlangen UB; Ermlitz ApelscheB; Frankfurt(Main) UB; Freiburg i.Br. UB; Giessen UB; Gotha ForschLB; Göttingen SUB; Heidelberg UB; Hildesheim DomB; Jena ULB; Kaufbeuren JesuitenB; Kiel UB; Köln DiözB; Leipzig DB/BuchM; Leipzig UB; Magdeburg LHArch; Memmingen StB; München BSB; Nürnberg GNM; Nürnberg StB; Regensburg SB; Regensburg TuT; Rothenburg o.d.T. StArch; Stuttgart WLB; Trier StB; Villingen-Schwenningen StM; Wiesbaden HLB; Wolfenbüttel HAB; Wuppertal StB; Würzburg UB; Zittau StB; Zwickau RatsSchB. – IT: Bologna C; Roma Cas; San Candido Coll. – PL: Kraków Bern; Kraków J; Kraków KR; Kraków PAN; Poznań AA; Poznań Bern; Poznań U; Toruń U; Warsaw Franc; Wrocław Kap; Wrocław U. – PT: Porto BM. – RU: Moscow SL; St Petersburg Akad; St Petersburg NL. – SE: Uppsala UB; Västerås LB. – CH: Genève BPU; Genève Bodmer; Lausanne BCU; St Gallen Benedikt. – US: Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine; Brian Johnson, Portland OR; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Cambridge MA, Harvard University, Law School Library; George Washington Univ. Law School, Jacob Burns Library; Library of Congress, Rare Book Division; National Library of Medicine; New York Academy of Medicine; New York Public Library, Rare Book Division; Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Southern Methodist Univ., Bridwell Library; Trinity College, Watkinson Library; Univ. of California, Bancroft Library; Univ. of Virginia, Alderman Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Jacobi, Johannes :
Regimen contra pestilentiam

[Nuremberg : Conrad Zeninger, about 1482]. – 4°. – ISTC ij00002000

Notes For transcriptions see Walsh. Printed in the same type as the edition in German, by Zeninger if produced in 1482 or by his successor to the type Wagner if in 1483 (F. Schanze in Gb Jb 1993, pp.88-90). Campbell assigned to Antwerp. – Although often attributed in incunable editions to Benedictus Kamisius, Kamintus, Canutus or Kanuti (i.e. Bengt Knutsson, bishop of Västerås), the author is probably Johannes Jacobi (i.e. Jean Jasme or Jacme) (Wickersheimer)
Reference works Goff J2. – HC 9754*. – Klebs 245.2. – Camp 1069. – ILC B74. – SI 2074. – Coll(U) 928. – Walsh 797. – BSB-Ink I-4. – GW 13773
Holdings DE: Bamberg SB; München BSB; München UB; Zwickau RatsSchB. – SE: Uppsala UB. – US: Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine; Univ. of Alabama Medical Center, Reynolds Historical Library


Jacobus de Clusa :
De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive De apparitionibus et receptaculis animarum

[Nuremberg : Georg Stuchs, about 1497]. – 4°. – ISTC ij00027000

Notes The author also recorded as Jacobus de Jüterbog or de Paradiso (Verfasserlexikon 2, Bd 4 col.478ff)
Reference works Goff J27. – HC 9345*. – GfT 1221. – CIBN J-31. – Polain(B) 4106 = 4470. – IGI 4971. – IBP 2949. – SI 2077. – Sajó-Soltész 1820. – Voull(B) 1913. – Walsh 817, 818. – Pr 2279. – BMC II 471. – BSB-Ink I-36. – GW 13898
Holdings AU: Melbourne SL. – AT: Salzburg, St. Peter; St. Florian, Chorherren; Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: Bamberg SB; Darmstadt ULB; Eichstätt UB; Jena ULB; München BSB; München UB; Neuburg(Donau) SB; Nürnberg GNM; Stuttgart WLB; Zwickau RatsSchB. – HU: Kalocsa Eccl metr. – IT: Milano Ambr. – PL: Gdańsk PAN; Warsaw N. – SE: Stockholm RL. – US: Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV