Dated Anno dni. Mcccclxxxvij iij. Cal. Martij; interpreted as 27 Feb 1487/88 in BMC and GW; interpreted by Sack as 28 Feb. 1487/88, probably assuming that 'February 1487 more veneto' included an extra day on account the leap year of 1488
AT: Admont, Benediktiner; Graz, UB; Göttweig, Benediktiner; Innsbruck, Kapuziner; Rein, Zisterzienser; Wien, ÖNB; Zwettl, Zisterzienser. – BE: Brussels, R. Touwaide. – GB: Blickling Hall; British Library; London UL; Manchester JRL; Norwich PL; Oxford Bodley. – CA: Montreal, McGill UL. – HR: Dubrovnik N; Pula N; Zagreb G. – CZ: Prague NL; Prague NM. – FR: Le Mans BM; Lyon BM; Orléans BM; Paris BN. – DE: Augsburg UB; Bamberg SB; Berlin SB; Eichstätt UB; Freising DomB; Jena ULB; Mannheim UB; München BSB; Nördlingen KirchenB; Sankt Peter PriesterSem; Stuttgart WLB; Trier StB; Wesel MartiniK. – HU: Budapest Acad; Budapest Bibl nat; Budapest Univ; Pannonhalma Archiabb Bened. – IT: Assisi Porziuncola; Bergamo C; Brescia C; Catania U; Cesena C; Como C; Cosenza C; Dongo Franc; Fermo C; Ferrara C; Firenze N; Forlì C; Genova U; Imola C; Lodi C; Milano Ambr; Milano N; Milano U Catt; Modena Est; Montecassino Ben; Montefalco C; Napoli N; Napoli Orat; Novara Cap; Padova C; Parma Pal; Pavia U; Perugia C; Pistoia Fort; Roma Ang; Roma Cas; Roma Cors; Roma Pont Ist Bib; San Gimignano C; Savona C; Savona Sem; Velletri C. – NL: Groningen UB; The Hague RL. – PL: Kraków Muz; Warsaw N. – PT: Lisboa BN. – RU: Moscow SL. – SK: Bratislava UKn. – SE: Stockholm RL; Västerås StB. – CH: Porrentruy BCant. – US: Andover Newton Theological School; Boston Public Library; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; General Theological Seminary; Mrs. Alexander P. Rosenberg, New York NY; Museum of Biblical Art, American Bible Society Collection; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; Redwood Library and Athenaeum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Univ. of San Francisco, Gleeson Library; Univ. of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center; Wellesley College Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV
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