Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

The international database of 15th-century European printing

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Valagusa, Giorgio :
In flosculis Epistolarum Ciceronis vernacula interpretatio, cum textu

[Venice : Bernardinus Rizus, Novariensis], for Giovanni Antonio Girardi de Pavia, [about 1480]. – 4°. – ISTC iv00001300

Notes Printer from CIBN. On the publisher, see BMC reprint
Reference works H 15759. – C 1619. – R 1644. – Pell Ms 11332. – CIBN V-2. – IGI 10036. – Voull(B) 3149. – Pr 6090. – BMC V 584. – GW M49040
Holdings GB: British Library; Manchester JRL. – FR: Paris BN. – IT: Milano Triv; Parma Pal; Piacenza C; Roma Cors


Vergilius, Polydorus :
De inventoribus rerum

Venice : Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 31 Aug. 1499. – 4°. – ISTC iv00146000

Reference works Goff V146. – H 16008*. – Klebs 1025.1. – IDL 4627. – IGI 10174. – SI 3958. – Günt(L) 3513. – Voull(B) 4307. – Hubay(Augsburg) 2090. – Borm 2722. – Walsh 2397, 2398. – Bod-inc V-070. – Sheppard 4326. – Pr 5250. – BMC V 473, XII 33. – BSB-Ink V-139. – GW M50152
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1997. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 24 - Italian Humanism Part I, IH 77
Electronic facsimile : Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
Holdings AT: Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol; Melk, Benediktiner; Wien, ÖNB. – GB: British Library; British Library; Cambridge UL; Glasgow UL; London, Wellcome Library; Oxford Bodley; Windsor RL. – CZ: Prague NL. – FI: Helsinki NL. – DE: Amberg SB; Augsburg SStB; Erlangen UB; Leipzig UB; München BSB; Neustadt(Aisch) KB; Wittenberg Lutherhalle; Wolfenbüttel HAB. – IT: Aosta C; Bergamo C; Brescia C; Ferrara C; Firenze Maruc; Genova Sem; Genova U; Lonato Da Como; Modena Est; Napoli N; Napoli U; Padova C; Padova Sem; Parma Pal; Pavia U; Roma Cas; Roma Cors; Roma N; Roma S Paolo; Siena C; Treviso C; Venezia N; Verona Sem. – NL: The Hague RL. – RU: Moscow SL. – SE: Linköping StB; Stockholm Swedish anonymous institution. – US: Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Cleveland Public Library; Conception Abbey, Conception, MO; New York Public Library, Rare Book Division; New York, Columbia University, Butler Library; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Univ. of California at Los Angeles; Yale Univ., Historical Library of the Medical School. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Vergilius, Polydorus :
Proverbiorum libellus

Venice : Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 6 Nov. 1500. – 4°. – ISTC iv00148000

Reference works Goff V148. – HC 16011. – Zehnacker 2360. – IGI 10176. – IBP 5541. – IDL 4628. – IBE 6015. – Martín Abad V-32. – Hubay(Augsburg) 2092. – Voull(Trier) 2143. – Voull(B) 4311. – Günt(L) 3515. – Walsh 2402. – Oates 2059, 2060. – BMC V 473. – BSB-Ink V-141. – GW M50150
Related resources Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2008. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 82 - Printing in Venice Part IV, VE 289
IISTC. Copy: London BL, IA.23518
Holdings AT: Graz, FranziskanerZB; Göttweig, Benediktiner; Kremsmünster, Benediktiner; Salzburg, UB. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Glasgow UL; Manchester JRL. – CZ: Prague NL. – FI: Helsinki NL. – FR: Strasbourg BNU. – DE: Augsburg SStB; Bamberg SB; Berlin KunstB; Frankfurt(Main) UB; Leipzig UB; München BSB; Trier StB. – IT: Brescia C; Bressanone Sem; Ferrara C; Firenze Acc Belle Arti; Firenze Maruc; Firenze N; Firenze Ricc; Genova U; Napoli N; Pavia C; Pisa U; Roma Ang; Roma Cas; Roma Cors; Velletri C. – NL: Amsterdam UB. – PL: Kraków J; Wrocław U. – RU: St Petersburg NL. – US: Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Library of Congress, Rare Book Division; New York Public Library, Rare Book Division; Univ. of California at Los Angeles; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library; Yale Univ., Historical Library of the Medical School. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Xenophon :

[Milan : Alexander Minutianus?, about 1501-02]. – f°. – ISTC ix00002000

Notes On the ascription to Milan and the identity of the printer, see D. E. Rhodes in Gb Jb 1981, pp.152-53. BMC and BSB-Ink assigned to Le Signerre. Polain and Proctor give Reggio Emilia as the place of printing with Polain assigning to Franciscus de Mazalibus. Goff X3 is referred to Brunet V col 1497, which is doubtless this edition, assigned there to B. de Vitalibus. Goff's location for X3 (WillCL: not found 1994) is presumably a misreading taken over from Stillwell of the WellCL copy in the First Census, with reference again to Brunet. – Contents: De venatione, Tr: Omnibonus Leonicenus Vincentinus; De re publica et de legibus Lacedaemoniorum, Tr: Franciscus Philelphus; De regis Agesilai laudibus, Tr: Franciscus Philelphus; Apologia pro Socrate, Tr: Leonardus Brunus Aretinus; De tyrannide, Tr: Leonardus Brunus Aretinus; (Pseudo-) Xenophon (Johannes Annius Viterbiensis): De Aequivocis; Cyropaedia, Tr: Franciscus Philelphus. Calliphilus Bernardinus Robiatinus: In libros Cyri paedias per Philelphum conversos
Reference works Goff X2 = X3. – HC 16225 = 16226. – GfT 2416. – Pell Ms 11845 = 11846. – CIBN X-2. – Zehnacker 2435. – Delisle 1995. – Polain(B) 4056. – IGI 10403. – IBP 5723. – IDL 4737. – IBE 3155. – Sack(Freiburg) 3756. – Hubay(Augsburg) 2156. – Voull(B) 3297. – Günt(L) 2339. – Bod-inc X-001. – Sheppard 5034. – Pr 7255. – BMC VII 1150. – BSB-Ink X-2. – GW M51849
Related resources Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2010, 2011. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 86 - Printing in Venice Part VI, VE 406; Unit 92 - Printing in Milan Part III, ML 277
Holdings AT: Göttweig, Benediktiner; Michaelbeuern, Benediktiner; Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Brussels, BR; Leuven, Univ.. – GB: British Library; Chatsworth; Glasgow UL; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley. – FR: Chantilly MCondé; Paris BN; Strasbourg BNU. – DE: Augsburg SStB; Freiburg i.Br. Collegium Borromeum; Leipzig DB/BuchM; Leipzig UB; München BSB; Nürnberg StB; Regensburg TuT; Stuttgart WLB. – IT: Avellino P; Brescia C; Firenze Laur; Firenze Ricc; Lucca G; Milano Ambr; Napoli N; Napoli U; Pavia U; Perugia C; Rieti C; Roma Cors; Roma N; Roma Vall; Rovigo Acc Conc; Torino N; Vicenza C. – NL: Leiden UB; The Hague MMW. – PL: Kórnik PAN. – RU: Moscow SL; St Petersburg NL. – US: Brown Univ., Annmary Brown Memorial Collection; Collection of the late Phyllis and John Gordan, New York NY; Library of Congress, John Davis Batchelder Collection; Library of Congress, Rare Book Division; New York, Columbia University, Butler Library; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; The Newberry Library; Washington Univ. Libraries; Wellesley College Library; Wesleyan Univ. Library; Yale Univ., Beinecke Library