Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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314 Hits



Terentius Afer, Publius :
Comoediae. Add: Vita Terentii

[Paris : Ulrich Gering, between 1483 and 1495]. – f°. – ISTC it00081270

Reference works C 5733. – Pell Ms 10980. – CIBN T-79. – Girard 412. – GW M45355
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – FR: Alençon BM; Paris BN


Terentius Afer, Publius :
Comoediae. Comm: Guido Juvenalis

Paris : Georg Wolf, for Philippe Pigouchet and Enguilbert de Marnef, 20 Oct. 1492. – f°. – ISTC it00089500

Reference works Goff T89a. – HC 15423. – Pell Ms 11014. – Girard 413. – Polain(B) 3665. – Madsen 3842. – Günt(L) 2266. – Mittler-Kind 606. – Oates 3043. – Pr 8147. – BMC VIII 146. – GW M45458
Holdings AT: Graz, UB. – BE: Averbode, O.Praem.; Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; British Library; Cambridge UL; Cambridge, St John's College; Lanhydrock House. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Coutances BM. – DE: Göttingen SUB; Leipzig UB. – US: The Newberry Library


Terentius Afer, Publius :

[Paris : Johann Philippi de Cruzenach, about 1496]. – 4°. – ISTC it00094200

Notes Hain records a signed and dated edition of 1496, which may correspond to the binding fragments attributed to Philippi by Oates
Reference works H 15386?. – Oates 3099. – GW M45452
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – GB: Cambridge UL. – RU: St Petersburg NL


Thomas Aquinas :
De vitiis et virtutibus numero quaternario procedens, sive Quaternarius

Paris : Laurent Philippe, [about 1496]. – 8°. – ISTC it00341900

Notes An abbreviated version of the Quaternarius wrongly attributed to Aquinas (BMC VIII 112)
Reference works C 555. – Cl II 319. – Pell 996. – Castan(Besançon) 93. – GW M46594
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – FR: Besançon BM


Thomas Becket, S., Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis :
Vita et Processus super libertate ecclesiastica

Paris : Johann Philippi de Cruzenach, 27 Mar. 1495. – 4°. – ISTC it00344500

Notes Issued with Petrus Bertrandi: Libellus de iurisdictione ecclesiastica (Goff B516)
Reference works Goff T159. – HC 15510. – Cl II 235-36. – GfT 2145. – Cl II 439. – Pell Ms 11681. – CIBN V-221 (I). – Arnoult 1419. – Fernillot 560. – Frasson-Cochet 268. – Hillard 2077 (I). – Jammes V-9. – Neveu 611. – Richard 480. – Coq(Bordeaux) T-10. – Maignien(Grenoble) 124. – Polain(B) 3974 (I). – IGI 9630. – IBP 5354. – IBPort 1871. – IBE 6141. – SI 3817. – Coll(U) 267. – Kind(Göttingen) 2643. – Walsh 3675. – Oates 3094, 3095. – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1689. – Bod-inc V-147. – Sheppard 6373, 6374, 6375, 6376. – Pr 8238. – BMC VIII 148 (I). – BSB-Ink V-248. – GW M46633
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Brussels, BR; Gent, UB. – GB: British Library; British Library; Cambridge UL; Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum; Cambridge, Jesus College; Cambridge, King's College; Chatsworth; Colchester, Essex UL; Durham UL; Edinburgh NLS; Holkham; Lincoln CL; London, Lambeth Palace; London, Oratory; Longleat; Manchester JRL; Manchester, Chetham's Library; Oxford Bodley; Oxford, Corpus Christi College; Oxford, Jesus College; Oxford, Queen's College; Oxford, St John's College; St Andrews UL. – CA: Toronto Fisher. – FR: Bordeaux BM; Châlons BM; Douai BM; Grenoble BM; Niort BM; Paris BN; Paris Inst. de France; Paris Mazarine; Paris Sorbonne; Poitiers BM; Rouen BM; Saint-Flour Grand Séminaire. – DE: Bremen SUB; Göttingen SUB; Hamburg SUB; München BSB. – IT: Bologna U; Firenze Coll alle Querce; Parma Pal; Roma Cas; Roma N. – PL: Warsaw N. – PT: Lisboa BAJUDA; Évora BPAD. – RU: St Petersburg NL. – SE: Uppsala UB. – US: Baltimore MD, The Walters Art Museum Library; Bryn Mawr College, Goodhart Medieval Library; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Davidson College; Folger Shakespeare Library; Free Library of Philadelphia, Copinger-Widener Collection; Library of Congress, John Boyd Thacher Collection; Library of Congress, Rare Book Division; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Southern Methodist Univ., Bridwell Library; Univ. of California, Law Library; Univ. of California, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library; Univ. of Minnesota, The Univ. Library; Williams College, Chapin Library; Yale Univ., Beinecke Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Thomas Cantipratensis :
Bonum universale de proprietatibus apum. Ed: Nicolas Bonaspes

[Paris] : Wolfgang Hopyl, [1516]. – 4°. – ISTC it00347500

Notes Accompanies the edition of Johannes Gallensis, Summa collationum dated 1516 (cf. Moreau)
Reference works C 5829. – Moreau II 1486. – Adams J237. – BMC(Fr) p.243. – GW M46649
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Oxford Bodley. – FR: Amiens BM; Caen BM; Paris Arsenal; Paris BN; Paris Mazarine; Versailles BM. – US: Univ. of Wisconsin


Thomas à Kempis :
Hortulus rosarum

[Paris : Etienne Jehannot], for Claude Jaumar, [about 1496]. – 8°. – ISTC it00355500

Notes There appear to be at least three separable editions by Jehannot (sometimes attributed to Le Dru) for Jaumar. In the explicit, f.24, they are distinguished as follows: lachri//marum: Finit feliciter. (Pell 11092e-f); lacri//marum: Finit feliciter. (Pell 11086, 11091, 11092b-d, 11092g); lachrima-//rum. Finit feliciter. (Pell 11086b). Each has the same series of eight woodcuts (plus one repeated), seven of which are found in Jehannot's Roman Hours of 21 Aug. 1497 (CIBN ad T-223)
Reference works C 3176. – Pell Ms 11092e-f. – Castan(Besançon) 575, 576. – Hübl 252. – Bod-inc T-091. – Sheppard 6492. – Pr 8345A. – GW M46697
Holdings AT: Wien, Schotten. – GB: Oxford Bodley. – FR: Besançon BM


Traversanus, Laurentius Gulielmus, de Saona :
Modus conficiendi epistolas

[Paris : Ulrich Gering, not after 1478]. – 4°. – ISTC it00427800

Notes Dated about 1483 in IDL. – The author also appears in catalogues as Lorenzo Guglielmo Traversagni and Guillermus Saphonensis (the name used in the text)
Reference works [Not H]C 8221 . – C 2852. – IDL 2169. – Pell Ms 5632 (5623). – Arnoult 1436. – Castan(Besançon) 527, 528. – GW 12058
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1997. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 22 - Rhetoric Part I, RH 69
Holdings AT: Salzburg, UB. – FR: Besançon BM; Paris Ste Geneviève; Troyes BM. – NL: The Hague RL


Tristan :
Le roman du noble et vaillant Chevalier Tristan

Paris : [], for Antoine Vérard, [about 1506]. – f°. – ISTC it00431300

Reference works Macf 193. – Pell Ms 11180. – Moreau I 215: 172. – CIBN II p.678. – Hillard 1987. – Torchet 899. – Delisle 1904. – BMC(Fr) p.426. – GW XI Sp.307a
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2004. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 64 - Romances Part II, RM 163
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – GB: British Library. – FR: Chantilly MCondé; Le Mans BM; Paris BN; Paris Mazarine


Turrecremata, Johannes de :
Expositio regulae S. Benedicti

Paris : Pierre Levet, for Nicolaus Militis, 4 May 1491. – f°. – ISTC it00516000

Notes Neveu corrects Polain's description
Reference works Goff T516. – HC 15734*. – Pell Ms 11260. – CIBN T-372. – Hillard 1998. – Aquilon 661. – Arnoult 1446. – Buffévent 509. – Girard 423. – Neveu 589. – Richard 488. – Torchet 909. – Polain(B) 3863. – IDL 4516. – IBE 5671. – IGI 9877. – IBPort 1776. – Günt(L) 2249. – Schlechter-Ries 1080. – Voull(Trier) 2290. – Voull(B) 4737,10. – Martín Abad T-128. – Bod-inc T-269. – Sheppard 6278. – Pr 8063. – BMC VIII 100. – BSB-Ink T-544. – GW M48229
Holdings AU: Sydney SL. – AT: Salzburg, St. Peter; Salzburg, UB. – BE: Brussels, BR; Gent, UB; Liège, Séminaire; Mons, BU FP; Namur, Société archéologique. – GB: British Library; Buckfast Abbey; Oxford Bodley; Wass (Yorkshire), Stanbrook Abbey. – FR: Angers BM; Avranches BM; Bourges BM; Conches Musée du verre; Douai BM; Le Havre BM; Loches BM; Paris BHVP; Paris BN; Paris Mazarine; Paris OP Saint-Jacques; Poitiers BM; Rouen BM; Troyes BM; Épernay BM. – DE: Bamberg SB; Heidelberg UB; Leipzig UB; Mainz GM/StB; Mainz StArch; München BSB; Stuttgart WLB; Trier StB. – IT: Asciano Abb Monte Oliveto; Ferrara C; Mantova C; Milano N; Napoli N; Subiaco Ben. – NL: Tilburg Abdij Koningshoeven; Utrecht UB. – PT: Évora BPAD. – RU: Moscow SL; St Petersburg NL. – CH: Porrentruy BCant. – US: Indiana Univ., The Lilly Library; Univ. of California, Law Library; Univ. of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center