Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Epistola de miseria curatorum

[Ulm : Johann Zainer, about 1490]. – 4°. – ISTC ie00059300

Notes The work has been ascribed to Wimpheling, rejected as author by H. Roloff in Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde, Dritte Folge, 6 (1975), pp.14-18
Reference works H 6607. – Amelung, Frühdruck I 64. – Sack(Freiburg) 1365. – Bod-inc E-019. – Sheppard 1836. – Pr 2551. – BMC II 531. – BSB-Ink E-80. – GW 9358
Holdings GB: British Library; Holkham; Oxford Bodley. – DE: Freiburg i.Br. UB; München BSB; Stuttgart WLB; Tübingen UB. – CH: Basel UB; Engelberg Benedikt; St Gallen Benedikt


Epistolae et Evangelia (Plenarium) [German]

Ulm : Conrad Dinckmut, 28 Feb. [14]83. – f°. – ISTC ie00082000

Notes 57 Woodcuts
Reference works Goff E82. – H 6733. – R 503. – Schr 4961. – Schramm VI p.18. – Amelung, Frühdruck I 96. – Rosenwald 81. – Rosenwald(1977) 94. – Voull(B) 2645. – BSB-Ink P-587. – GW M34141
Holdings AT: St. Paul, Benediktiner; Wien, ÖNB. – DE: Berlin SB; Bremen Kunsthalle; München BSB; München UB; Stuttgart WLB; Tübingen UB; Ulm StB. – CH: Aarau KantB; Zürich ZB. – US: Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection


Erklärung der zwölf Artikel des christlichen Glaubens

Ulm : Conrad Dinckmut, 21 Aug. 1485. – f°. – ISTC ie00102000

Notes Woodcuts
Reference works Goff E102. – H 6668* = 6667. – Schr 4106. – Schramm VI p.18. – Coq 199. – Polain(B) 1419. – IBP 5858. – Gspan-Badalić 262. – CCIR E-7 . – Amelung, Frühdruck I 109. – Voull(B) 2648. – Ohly-Sack 1100. – Hubay(Augsburg) 767. – Schlechter-Ries 1225. – Schäfer 125. – Hummel-Wilhelmi 228. – Madsen 1508. – Bod-inc E-026. – Sheppard 1845. – Pr 2566. – BMC II 534. – BSB-Ink E-88. – CIBN E-79. – GW 9379
Holdings AT: Graz, FranziskanerZB; Graz, UB; Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol; Schwaz, Franziskaner; St. Paul, Benediktiner; Wien, UB; Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Oxford Bodley. – CZ: Prague NL. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Paris BENSBA. – DE: Augsburg SStB; Berlin KunstB; Berlin KupferstichKab; Berlin SB; Frankfurt(Main) UB; Göttingen SUB; Halle ULB; Heidelberg UB; Maihingen Öttingen-Wallerstein; Mainz GM/StB; Mettingen Draiflessen Collection; München BSB; München UB; Nürnberg GNM; Rottenburg PriesterSem; Schweinfurt Otto-SchäferB; Stuttgart WLB; Tübingen UB; Ulm StB; Überlingen Leopold-SophienB. – NL: Amsterdam BPH. – PL: Wrocław U. – RO: Alba Iulia Batthyaneum. – SI: Ljubljana NUK. – CH: Einsiedeln Benedikt. – US: Boston Public Library; Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection; New York Public Library, Spencer Collection; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Trinity College, Watkinson Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Es tu scholaris?

[Ulm : Johann Schäffler, about 1497-99]. – 4°. – ISTC ie00108680

Reference works Ohly-Sack 1102. – GW 9412
Holdings DE: Frankfurt(Main) UB


Es tu scholaris? Add: Locutiones

[Ulm : Johann Zainer the Younger, about 1498]. – 4°. – ISTC ie00108710

Notes Woodcut
Reference works Amelung, Frühdruck I 78. – Schr 3921. – Schramm V 450. – GW(Nachtr) 114. – GW 9415
Holdings DE: Tübingen UB. – CH: Basel UB


Es tu scholaris? Add: Locutiones

[Ulm : Johann Schäffler, about 1498-1500]. – 4°. – ISTC ie00108730

Reference works Schr 3917a. – Dahm 313. – GW 9417
Holdings CH: Aarau KantB


Fabri, Sigismund, von Prustat :
Practica Coloniensis 1496 [German]

[Ulm : Johann Schäffler, about 1495-96]. – 4°. – ISTC if00026500

Notes 34 ll. Type 2:92G
Reference works GW 9669. – Pascher 3 & figs.pp. 31-38
Holdings AT: St. Paul, Benediktiner


Fabri, Sigismund, von Prustat :
Practica Coloniensis 1496? [German]

[Ulm : Conrad Dinckmut, about 1495-96?]. – 4°. – ISTC if00026600

Reference works GW 0966905
Holdings AT: St. Paul, Benediktiner


Fabrica, Johannes de :
De indulgentiis pro animabus in purgatorio, sive Super declaratione indulgentiarum

[Ulm : Johann Zainer, about 1489-90]. – f°. – ISTC if00031500

Reference works H 6879*. – Voull(B) 254,5. – BSB-Ink I-388. – GW M13523
Holdings AT: Aigen-Schlägl, Prämonstratenser; St. Florian, Chorherren; Wien, ÖNB. – DE: München BSB


Facetus :
Liber Faceti docens mores hominum [Latin and German] (Tr: Sebastian Brant)

Ulm : Johann Schäffler, 1497. – 4°. – ISTC if00040500

Notes With woodcut
Reference works HC 6893. – Schr 3969. – Schramm VII 338,339. – Sack(Freiburg) 1402. – Amelung, Frühdruck I 174. – Pr 2591. – BMC II 543. – BSB-Ink F-44. – GW 9696
Holdings AT: Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol. – GB: British Library. – DE: Freiburg i.Br. UB; Maihingen Öttingen-Wallerstein; München BSB; Ulm StB