Venice : Simon Bevilaqua, for Benedetto Bordon, 25 Aug. 1494. – 4°. – ISTC il00329000
Woodcuts. – The translations after the Vera Historia are by various hands. The Palinurus attributed to Lucianus is in fact the De felicitate et miseria of Maphaeus Vegius. The Carmina heroica in amorem are a free translation of the second idyll of Moschus (BMC VIII 412). Virtus Dea, purporting to be a translation from Lucianus by Carolus Marsupinus, is an original Latin work of Leo Baptista Alberti. Bordon is mentioned in the poem ad lectorem on 110 recto and in the privilege on 110v. Bordon also designed the woodcut border on fol. 1
AT: Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol; Wien, ÖNB; Wilhering, Zisterzienser. – GB: British Library; Cambridge, Trinity College; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley. – HR: Dubrovnik N. – CU: Havana BN. – CZ: Prague NL. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Besançon BM; Chaumont BM; Paris BENSBA; Paris BN; Strasbourg CSG. – DE: Augsburg UB; Bamberg SB; Berlin KunstB; Berlin KupferstichKab; Berlin SB; Dresden SLUB; Gotha ForschLB; Göttingen SUB; München BSB; München UB; Nördlingen KirchenB; Nördlingen StB; Regensburg TuT. – IT: Bergamo C; Empoli C; Firenze N; Gubbio C; Lonato Da Como; Milano Ambr; Milano Triv; Napoli N; Napoli U; Padova U; Palermo Museo; Parma Pal; Piacenza C; Roma Ang; Roma Cas; Roma Cors; Venezia Fond Cini; Venezia N. – PL: Wrocław U. – RU: St Petersburg NL. – SE: Stockholm Swedish anonymous institution. – US: Baltimore MD, The Walters Art Museum Library; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Folger Shakespeare Library; Provo UT, Brigham Young Univ., Harold B. Lee Library; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library; Univ. of Michigan, Stephen Spaulding Collection; Univ. of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center; Williams College, Chapin Library; Yale Univ., Beinecke Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV
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