Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Aesopus :
Vita, after Rinucius, et Fabulae, Lib. I-IV, prose version of Romulus [Spanish]. Add: Fabulae extravagantes. Fabulae novae (Tr: Rinucius). Fabulae Aviani. Fabulae collectae [Spanish]

Zaragoza : Johann Hurus, 1489. – f°. – ISTC ia00123150

Notes Woodcuts
Reference works H 358. – Haeb(BI) 6. – Vindel(A) IV 71: 23. – IBE 2317. – GW 380. – Fac: Madrid, 1929


Antichristus [Spanish] Libro del anticristo. Pseudo- Vincentius Ferrerius: De Fine mundi [Spanish] Sermon de señor san vicente bienaventurado. Tr: Martin Martinez de Ampies. Martinez de Ampies, Martin: El Libro del Judicio postrimero. Rabbi Samuel: Epistola ad rabbi Isaac contra Judaeorum errores [Spanish, from the Latin of Alphonsus Boni Hominis] Las epistolas de Rabbi Samuel embiadas a Rabbi ysaac

Zaragoza : Paul Hurus, 8 and 15 Oct. 1496. – f°. – ISTC ia00770000

Notes Woodcuts. – Alphonsus Boni Hominis claims only to translate the Epistola of Rabbi Samuel but 'it seems he himself was the author, drawing largely from another tract in Arabic' (Encyclopaedia Judaica)
Reference works Goff A770. – H 10829. – Haeb(BI) 16. – Vindel(A) IV 245: 76. – Sánchez 56. – Kurz 41. – IBE 391. – BMC X 29. – GW 2058
Holdings GB: British Library. – US: New York Public Library, Rare Book Division. – Queried Locations: El Escorial RMon


Antoninus Florentinus :
Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio [Spanish]

Zaragoza : Paul Hurus, 31 July 1492. – f°. – ISTC ia00837500

Reference works C 502b. – Haeb(BI) 21. – Vindel(A) II 139: 47. – Kurz 45. – Polain(B) 4150. – IGI VI 657-A. – IBE 420. – Martín Abad A-138. – GW 2145
Holdings IT: Roma Angelicum


Antoninus Florentinus :
Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio [Spanish]. Add: Octo casus quibus quis potest confiteri non proprio sacerdoti secundum Henricum [de Segusio] Hostiensem [Latin]

Zaragoza : [Paul Hurus], 28 Apr. 1497. – 4°. – ISTC ia00839000

Reference works Goff A839. – C 503a. – Haeb(BI) 26. – Vindel(A) IV 249: 79. – Martín Abad A-140. – Kurz 47. – IBE 422. – GW 2148
Holdings US: Library of Congress, Rare Book Division


Antoninus Florentinus :
Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio [Spanish]. Add: Octo casus quibus quis potest confiteri non proprio sacerdoti, secundum Henricum [de Segusio] Hostiensem [Latin]

[Zaragoza : Georgius Coci, Leonardus Hutz and Lupus Appentegger, about 1499-1502]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00841000

Notes GW, Haebler and Goff assigned to Hurus. BMC(Sp) dates not after 1511 and the book is rejected as an incunable in BMC X (p. xxxiv)
Reference works Goff A841. – Haeb(BI) 27. – Sánchez 63. – Vindel(A) IV 311: 93. – A. Huarte, in Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos 30 (1926) 47, pp. 191-97 . – Sander 428. – IGI VI 657-B. – IBE 424 = Post-incunables 26. – IBPort 134. – BMC(Sp) p.11. – Martín Abad p.61. – GW 2149
Holdings GB: British Library. – IT: Genova U. – PT: Coimbra BU. – US: La Casa del Libro


Antonius Nebrissensis, Aelius :
Expositio hymnorum

Zaragoza : Georgius Coci, 1520. – 4°. – ISTC ia00901100

Notes Haebler described an imperfect copy
Reference works Haeb(BI) 255. – Kurz 140. – Vindel(A) IV 324: 99. – Norton(1978) 710. – IBE Post-incunables 108. – Adams N119. – Martín Abad p.337. – BMC(Sp) p. 113
Holdings GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Cambridge, Trinity College


Antonius Nebrissensis, Aelius :
Vafre dicta philosophorum

[Zaragoza : Paul Hurus, about 1498?]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00910500

Notes J.C.T. Oates (ms note) assigned to Paul Hurus, 2nd press, GW to Burgos
Reference works Haeb(BI) 475. – GW 2243
Holdings GB: Cambridge UL


Apollonius de Tyro :
Historia Apollonii regis Tyri [Spanish] La vida y historia del rey apolonio

[Zaragoza : Paul Hurus, about 1488]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00927000

Notes Collates: 24 ff. Sig: a-c8. 39 lines. 35 woodcuts (previously used at Augsburg: Schramm III 485-717). Type: 99/100G. – See M.J. Lacarra, La Vida e historia del rey Apolonio [Zaragoza: Juan Hurus, ca. 1488]: texto, imágenes y tradición génerica, 2015, pp.91-110.
Reference works Goff A927. – A. Pérez Gómez, in Gb Jb 1967 pp.77-79 . – GW 0228510N
Holdings US: Hispanic Society of America


Aristoteles :
Ethica ad Nicomachum. Add: Politica; Oeconomica (Tr: Leonardus Brunus Aretinus)

[Barcelona : Heinrich Botel, Georgius vom Holtz, and Johann Planck, about 1473]. – f°. – ISTC ia00984000

Notes On this press, see L. Witten, in BSA 53 (1959) pp.91-113 and G.D. Painter in Gb Jb 1962 pp.147-8 and BMC X p.xxxviii-ix. Proctor (p.700) and GW assigned to Zaragoza
Reference works Goff A984. – C 627. – GfT 1490. – TFS 1901zz, 1901aaa. – Haeb(BI) I & II 34. – Vindel(A) IV 6: 2 & p.xvi. – Martín Abad A-193. – IBE 534. – Pell 1254 (II-III). – CIBN A-514. – Oates 4039. – BMC X 1. – GW 2371
Holdings GB: British Library; Cambridge UL. – FR: Paris BN. – US: New York, Columbia University, Butler Library