Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Alphonsus de Palencia :
Vocabulario universal en latin y en romance

Seville : Compañeros alemanes (Paulus de Colonia, Johann Pegnitzer, Magnus Herbst and Thomas Glockner), 1490. – f°. – ISTC ia00538000

Reference works Goff A538. – H 12275. – Haeb(BI) 510. – Vindel(A) V 64: 15. – IGI VI 350-B. – IBE 4263. – IBPort 700. – Mendes 523. – Martín Abad P-3. – Oates 4040. – BMC X 33. – GW 1267
Related resources Electronic facsimile : Boston Public Library
IISTC. Copy: Lisboa N, INC. 157-158
Holdings BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL. – IT: Palermo C. – PT: Lisboa BN; Porto BP. – US: Boston Public Library; Hispanic Society of America; Indiana Univ., The Lilly Library; La Casa del Libro; Princeton Univ., Firestone Library; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Vanderbilt Univ.


Antoninus Florentinus :
Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio [Spanish]. Add: Octo casus quibus quis potest confiteri non proprio sacerdoti secundum Henricum [de Segusio] Hostiensem [Latin]

Seville : Meinardus Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, 7 Apr. 1492. – 4°. – ISTC ia00837000

Reference works Goff A837. – C 502a. – Haeb(BI) 20 (incl 135(5)). – Vindel(A) V 123: 41. – Kurz 44. – Pell 873. – Neveu 35. – IBE 419. – IBPort 132. – Mendes 104. – Horch(Rio) 6. – GW 2144
Holdings BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – FR: Rouen BM. – MX: Mexico City, Biblioteca de México. – PT: Lisboa ANTT; Lisboa BN. – US: Hispanic Society of America


Augustinus, Aurelius :
Sermones ad heremitas [Spanish]

Seville : Compañeros alemanes (Johann Pegnitzer, Magnus Herbst and Thomas Glockner), 14 May 1502. – 4°. – ISTC ia01323500

Notes The copy in the Rio de Janeiro BN on which the description is based is imperfect, wanting the last leaf with the colophon which is dated 14 May 1502.
Reference works R.E. Horch in Gb Jb 1967, pp. 80-87 . – Horch(Rio) 83. – GW 0301110N
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – BR: Rio de Janeiro BN


Boccaccio, Giovanni :
De casibus virorum illustrium [Spanish] Cayda de principes. Tr: Pedro Lopez de Ayala, Alfonso Garcia and Juan Alfonso de Zamora

Seville : Meinardus Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, 29 Dec. 1495. – f°. – ISTC ib00715000

Reference works Goff B715. – H 3339. – Pell 2481. – CIBN B-508. – Haeb(BI) 53. – Vindel(A) V 219: 81. – Martín Abad B-156. – Kurz 66. – IBE 1084. – GW 4436
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2004. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 55 - Iberian Printing Part II, SP 111
Holdings BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – FR: Paris BN. – US: Hispanic Society of America; La Casa del Libro


Boethius :
De consolatione philosophiae [Spanish]. Tr: from the Catalan version of Antonio Ginebreda. Add: Jacobo de Benavente: Vergel de consolación

Seville : Meinardus Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, 1497. – f°. – ISTC ib00818000

Notes In two parts, dated: I) 18 Feb. 1497; II) 21 Feb. 1497
Reference works Goff B818. – H 3366. – C 5979 (II) = 5980 (II). – Haeb(BI) 59 (incl 669). – Vindel(A) V 265: 97. – IBE 1133. – Martín Abad B-182. – Horch(Rio) Suppl 6. – Bod-inc B-407. – Sheppard 7310. – Pr 9540. – GW 4584 (+ Accurti(1936) p.85)
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2004. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 55 - Iberian Printing Part II, SP 115
Holdings BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – GB: Oxford Bodley. – US: Library of Congress, John Boyd Thacher Collection. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Curtius Rufus, Quintus :
Historiae Alexandri Magni [Spanish] Historia de Alexandre magno

Seville : Meinardus Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, 16 May 1496. – f°. – ISTC ic01007000

Reference works Goff C1007. – HC(Add) 5891. – Haeb(BI) 186. – Vindel(A) V 241: 90. – Kurz 100. – IBE 1967. – IBPort 560. – Martín Abad C-201. – Mendes 412. – Walsh 3971. – Bod-inc C-500. – Sheppard 7309. – Pr 9539. – GW 7879
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1993 & 2005. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 2 - The Classics in Translation, CT 29; Unit 74 - Romances Part III, RM 192
IISTC. Copy: Lisboa N, INC. 181
Holdings BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – GB: Oxford Bodley. – PT: Lisboa BN. – US: Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Hispanic Society of America; La Casa del Libro


Imitatio Christi [Spanish] Libro de remedar á Christo

Seville : Compañeros alemanes (Johann Pegnitzer, Magnus Herbst and Thomas Glockner), 1496. – 4°. – ISTC ii00057000

Notes On the attribution to Thomas à Kempis see A. Ampe, L'Imitation de Jésus-Christ et son auteur (Roma, 1973) and R.R. Post, The Modern Devotion (Leiden, 1968) pp.520-536 (CIBN)
Reference works Goff I57. – R. E. Horch in Gb Jb 1967, pp. 80-87 (p.84 no.6) . – Horch(Rio) 83. – Walsh 3966. – GW M4689610
Holdings BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – US: Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library


Mexia, Ferando :
Nobiliario perfetamente copilado

Seville : Peter Brun and Juan Gentil, 30 June 1492. – f°. – ISTC im00531000

Notes Entered under Mejia, Ferando (Fernando) in BMC & CIBN
Reference works Goff M531. – H 11132 = HCR 11133. – GfT 1468. – Haeb(BI) 411. – Haeb(GSpF) p.127-8. – Vindel(A) V 130: 44. – Kurz 254. – Pell Ms 7882 (7835ab-7819d). – CIBN M-278. – Bresson 6. – IGI 6401. – IBE 3903. – IDL 3192. – IBPort 1226. – SI 2648. – Mendes 863. – Coll(S) 1317. – Madsen 2714. – Martín Abad M-91. – Günt(L) 2553. – Voull(B) 4967,2. – Schmitt I 4967,2. – Mittler-Kind 780. – Bod-inc M-212. – Sheppard 7316. – Pr 9545. – BMC X 45. – GW M23111
Holdings AU: Melbourne SL. – AT: Wien, ÖNB. – BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – GB: British Library; Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum; Edinburgh NLS; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Paris BN; Paris Ste Geneviève. – DE: Berlin SB; Göttingen SUB; Leipzig UB. – IT: Firenze Ricc; Roma Cas; Roma N; Roma U. – NL: The Hague MMW. – PT: Lisboa BN. – RU: Moscow SL. – SE: Stockholm RL. – US: Baltimore MD, The Walters Art Museum Library; Boston Public Library; Bryn Mawr College, Goodhart Medieval Library; Hispanic Society of America; Indiana Univ., The Lilly Library; La Casa del Libro; Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection; Library of Congress, Rare Book Division; Michigan State University Library; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Southern Methodist Univ., Bridwell Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Ortiz, Alonso :
Cinco tratados

Seville : Compañeros alemanes (Johann Pegnitzer, Magnus Herbst and Thomas Glockner), 1493. – f°. – ISTC io00106000

Notes Contents: Tratado de la herida del Rey; Tratado consolatorio a la Princesa de Portugal; Oración en latín y romance a los Reyes Católicos; Dos cartas mensajeras a los Reyes, una de la Ciudad, y la otra del Cabildo de Toledo; Tratado contra la carta del protonotario Juan de Lucena
Reference works Goff O106. – H 12109. – GfT 1451. – Haeb(BI) 503. – Vindel(A) V 172: 62. – Kurz 291. – Harr(BAV) 10. – Pell Ms 8798 (8663). – CIBN O-66. – IBE 4225. – IBPort 1326. – Mendes 931. – Martín Abad O-25. – Pr 9523. – BMC X 35. – GW M28443
Holdings BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – GB: British Library. – FR: Paris BN. – PT: Lisboa BN. – US: Boston Public Library; Brown Univ., John Carter Brown Library; Hispanic Society of America; Indiana Univ., The Lilly Library; La Casa del Libro; New York Public Library, Rare Book Division; Princeton Univ., Firestone Library; Princeton Univ., Scheide Library; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Univ. of Michigan, William L. Clements Library; Univ. of Minnesota, James Ford Bell Library; Williams College, Chapin Library; Yale Univ., Beinecke Library


Plutarchus :
Vitae illustrium virorum [Spanish]. Tr: Alfonso Fernandez de Palencia

Seville : Compañeros alemanes (Paulus de Colonia, Johann Pegnitzer, Magnus Herbst and Thomas Glockner), 2 July 1491. – f°. – ISTC ip00837000

Notes In two parts
Reference works Goff P837. – HC 13133*. – GfT 1449. – Haeb(BI) 550. – Vindel(A) V 85: 24. – Pell Ms 9565 (9389c-f). – CIBN P-493. – Arnoult 1218. – Lefèvre 387. – IGI 7927. – IBE 4699. – IBPort 1488. – Mendes 1062. – Madsen 3332. – Martín Abad P-159. – Sack(Freiburg) 2933. – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1452. – Bod-inc P-395. – Sheppard 7302. – Pr 9520. – BMC X 34 (I). – BSB-Ink P-630. – GW M34497
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1993. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 2 - The Classics in Translation, CT 93
IISTC. Copy: Lisboa N, INC. 161-162
Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – GB: British Library; Edinburgh NLS; Oxford Bodley; Oxford, Taylor Inst. – CL: Santiago (Chile) BN. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Langres SHAL; Paris BN; Perpignan BM. – DE: Freiburg i.Br. UB; Mainz GM/StB; München BSB. – IT: Roma U; Venezia N. – PE: Lima BN. – PT: Coimbra BU; Lisboa BAJUDA; Lisboa BN; Mafra PN. – RU: St Petersburg Akad; St Petersburg NL. – US: Frank D. Crane, Madison WI; Hispanic Society of America; La Casa del Libro; San Marino CA, Huntington Library. – VE: Caracas BN