Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Francisci de Insulis, Michael :
Decisio de septem doloribus B.V.M.. Officium de doloribus B.V.M.

Antwerp : Thierry Martens, [1496-1497]. – 4°. – ISTC if00294000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Variant known with f.46 cancelled (see BMC, GW and Oates). – Dated on paper evidence (WILC). – Woodcut
Reference works Goff F294. – HC 7347* = H 7348. – Camp 760. – ILC 998. – Inv Ant 347. – Pell 4918 and 4918A. – Hillard 830. – Delisle 766. – Polain(B) 1509. – IDL 1854. – IGI 6415. – Günt(L) 10. – Voull(Trier) 2356. – Madsen 1624. – Oates 3995, 3996. – Bod-inc F-093. – Sheppard 7251. – Pr 9452. – BMC IX 204. – BSB-Ink F-236. – Döring-Fuchs F-92. – GW 10255
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Oxford Bodley; Rochdale PL. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Cambrai BM; Chantilly MCondé; Lille BM; Paris Mazarine. – DE: Halle ULB; Leipzig UB; München BSB; Regensburg SB; Trier StB. – IT: Roma Ang. – NL: The Hague RL. – ZA: Durban UL. – UA: Lviv, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka. – US: Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Gerson, Johannes :
De modo vivendi omnium fidelium. Add: De remediis contra pusillanimitatem, ac De tentationibus diaboli

[Southern Netherlands? : Printer of the 'Mensa Philosophica', about 1487]. – 4°. – ISTC ig00234000

Notes Assigned by Kronenberg to the press of L'Oraison du S. Esprit, by Oates and HPT to that of Mensa philosophica. Neither press has been located, but Mensa philosophica may have been at Antwerp or Louvain. – Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.
Reference works Goff G234. – C 2682. – Camp-Kron 815a. – ILC 1083. – Inv Ant 415. – Pell 5185. – Polain(B) 1617. – IDL 1959. – B. Kruitwagen, in Het Boek 24 (1936-37) p. 25 . – Zdanevich 210. – Oates 4014. – BMC IX 210. – GW 10771
Related resources IISTC. Copy: Brussels BR, INC A 1082
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Antwerpen, RG; Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Downside Abbey. – FR: Paris Ste Geneviève. – NL: The Hague RL. – UA: Kyiv, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. – US: Bryn Mawr College, Goodhart Medieval Library; College of Physicians of Philadelphia; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum


Jacobus de Gruytrode :
Colloquium peccatoris et crucifixi Jesu Christi. Add: Engelbertus Cultrificis: De beatitudine claustrali. Isidorus Hispalensis: Dialogus sive Synonyma de homine et ratione

Antwerp : Claes Leeu, 17 May 1488. – 4°. – ISTC ij00057000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – The anonymous text De beatitudine claustrali (or 'Dilige stare in claustro'), introduced by a quotation of Petrus Blesensis, is identified by CIBN as the work of Cultrificis (cf. Nijhoff & Kronenberg 664)
Reference works Goff J57. – HC 9296. – GfT 1384. – Camp 466. – ILC 1297. – Inv Ant 258. – CIBN J-24. – Polain(B) 4296. – IBP 2943. – IDL 2526. – Madsen 1223. – Zdanevich 252. – Voull(B) 4807. – Amelung, Hellinga Festschrift 34. – Schüling 466. – Ernst(Hildesheim) I,I 257. – Borm 1434. – Wilhelmi 343. – Oates 3975. – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 976. – Bod-inc J-015. – Sheppard 7245, 7246. – Pr 9431. – BMC IX 198. – GW 13834
Holdings BE: Antwerpen, MPM; Brussels, BR. – GB: Aberdeen UL; Bath PL; British Library; British Library; Cambridge UL; Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum; Canterbury CL; Durham, Ushaw College; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley; Oxford, Exeter College. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: Berlin SB; Giessen UB; Greifswald GeistlMin; Hildesheim DomB; Köln USB; Stuttgart WLB; Wolfenbüttel HAB; Xanten StiftsB. – NL: Gouda Librye; The Hague RL; Utrecht UB. – PL: Wrocław U. – RU: St Petersburg NL. – UA: Kyiv, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. – US: New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Johannes de Sancto Geminiano :
Disputatio Christi et latronis. Add: Dionysius Carthusiensis: Dialogus Mariae et peccatoris

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, 1491]. – 4°. – ISTC ij00426500

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Dated on type evidence (WILC). – Woodcut
Reference works C 2650. – Camp 1039. – ILC 1358. – Inv Ant 93. – Zehnacker 1322. – Polain(B) 2308. – IDL 2710. – Amelung, Hellinga Festschrift 37. – Wilhelmi 361. – Zdanevich 271. – Bod-inc J-191. – Sheppard 7204. – Pr 9430. – GW M14679
Related resources IISTC. Copy: The Hague RL, 150 B 30
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Antwerpen, RG; Leuven, Univ.. – GB: Oxford Bodley. – FR: Strasbourg BNU. – DE: Greifswald UB; Lüneburg RatsB; Stuttgart WLB. – NL: Maastricht SB; The Hague RL; Utrecht UB. – RU: St Petersburg NL. – UA: Kyiv, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine


Matthaeus de Cracovia :
De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae. Add: Pseudo-Thomas Aquinas, De officio sacerdotis; Expositio missae. De vitiis et virtutibus

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, between 14 Feb. 1487 and 21 May 1490]. – 4°. – ISTC im00372150

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Dating: HPT. – The first text is often attributed to Thomas Aquinas or Bonaventura (cf. P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes des casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen-age, Louvain, 1962; CIBN). The Expositio missae is attributed to Richardus Praemonstratensis (de Wedinghausen). Cf. Polain and CIBN
Reference works Goff T311. – H? [not C] 1349 . – C 540. – Mich 23, 41, 297. – Camp 1665. – ILC 1555. – Inv Ant 54. – Pell 967. – CIBN M-225. – Elliott-Loose 520. – Polain(B) 3703. – IDL 3148. – Madsen 3901. – Zdanevich 473. – Pr 9426. – BMC IX 183. – GW M21701
Related resources IISTC. Copy: The Hague RL, 150 B 25
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Antwerpen, EHC; Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Cambridge, King's College. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Aix-en-Provence BMéjanes; Cambrai BM; Lille BM; Paris BN. – NL: The Hague RL. – UA: Kyiv, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. – US: San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library