Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Albertus Magnus :
Secreta mulierum et virorum (cum commento)

[Paris : Simon Doliatoris, about 1483]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00304100

Anmerkungen Printer assignment by IBE and Richard. GW assigns doubtfully to Germany about 1480. There are errors in the Pell description
Bibliogr. Nachweis Pell 371. – Richard 14. – IBE 207. – GW 720
Besitznachweise GB: Glasgow UL. – FR: Niort BM


Albertus Magnus :
Tractatus quattuor. Con: Litania de sanctis. Orationes super evangelia dominicalia. Orationes super quattuor libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Johannes de Castello: De fine religiosae perfectionis (with title De adhaerendo deo)

[Germany? : Printer of Albertus Magnus, 'Tractatus quattuor', about 1490]. – 8°. – ISTC ia00338000

Anmerkungen Pseudo- Albertus Magnus
Bibliogr. Nachweis Goff A338. – GfT 1794. – Pell 315. – CIBN A-160. – Polain(B) 97. – IDL 145. – Hunt 1847. – BSB-Ink A-184. – GW 783
Besitznachweise BE: Leuven, Univ.; Namur, CDRR. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: Köln USB; München BSB. – NL: Nijmegen UB (coll. Wittem). – US: San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Alexander de Villa Dei :
Doctrinale (Partes I-IV). Add: De compositione metrorum

[Germany :, about 1490?]. – 16°. – ISTC ia00422100

Bibliogr. Nachweis C 238. – R(Doctr) 75. – GW 963
Besitznachweise AT: St. Florian, Chorherren


Alexander de Villa Dei :
Doctrinale (Pars II) (Comm: Johannes Synthen)

[Northwest Germany : Printer of the 'Doctrinale', not after 1490]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00445552

Bibliogr. Nachweis C 337. – R(Doctr) 52. – GfT 1364, 1365. – Ohly-Sack 108. – Borm 96. – GW 1152
Besitznachweise DE: Frankfurt(Main) UB; Giessen UB; Münster ULB; Wolfenbüttel HAB


Almanac 1462, for Vienna (Wien) [German]

[Germany : Printer of the 1462 Almanac, about 1461-62]. – Bdsde. – ISTC ia00488800

Anmerkungen A Blood-letting calendar. – On the printer, see P. Needham in the Sotheby's Donaueschingen catalogue
Bibliogr. Nachweis VE15 A-145. – H. Bohatta in Gb Jb 1933 pp. 31-33 . – G. Borsa in Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde Dritte Folge 1 (1965), pp.48-75 . – B. Winter, in Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 18 (1984) pp.235-237 & plate . – Geldner I 294. – Schr 3146. – Sotheby's (London), 1 July 1994 (Donaueschingen) 60 & fig.p.70 . – GW(Einbl) 115. – GW 1287. – Fac: Heitz-Haeb 2
Besitznachweise US: Princeton Univ., Scheide Library


Almanac 1491 [German]

[Germany : with type 1 of Johannes Antonius de Benedictis, de Bologna, about 1490-91]. – Bdsde. – ISTC ia00516650

Bibliogr. Nachweis VE15 A-346/10. – Pascher(Wiegendrucke) 109. – GW 0145840N
Besitznachweise AT: Klagenfurt, Archiv Gurk


Alphabetum divini amoris

[Germany : Printer of the 'Alphabetum divini amoris' (GW 1562), after 1491?]. – 16°. – ISTC ia00529000

Anmerkungen Polain dates after 1500. – The text, of unknown authorship, is variously ascribed in editions to Johannes Gerson, Thomas à Kempis, Johannes Nider or Nikolaus Kempf. See D. Martin, The Writings of Nikolaus Kempf of Strassburg, in Die Kartäuser in Österreich, Bd 1, Salzburg, 1980, 127-54, esp. p.154 (BSB-Ink, CIBN)
Bibliogr. Nachweis Goff A529. – Polain(B) 146?. – IDL 236. – IGI 398. – GW 1562
Besitznachweise BE: Leuven, KUL FG Coll.S.J.. – DE: Augsburg UB. – IT: Milano N. – NL: The Hague RL. – US: The Newberry Library


Andreas de Escobar :
Modus confitendi

[Germany (Blaubeuren?) : Printer of Lotharius (H 10209) (Conrad Mancz?), about 1474-75]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00659800

Anmerkungen Amelung (Frühdruck I, p.XVII) identifies the printer tentatively as Conrad Mancz
Bibliogr. Nachweis HC 999*. – Zehnacker 164. – SI 220. – Hubay(Würzburg) 110. – Günt(L) 3946. – Pr 3244. – BMC III 708. – BSB-Ink A-493. – GW 1772
Besitznachweise GB: British Library. – FR: Strasbourg BNU. – DE: Leipzig DB/BuchM; München BSB; Würzburg UB. – SE: Stockholm Swedish anonymous institution


Andreas de Escobar :
Modus confitendi

[Germany (Blaubeuren?) : Printer of Lotharius (H 10209) (Conrad Mancz?), about 1474-75]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00660000

Anmerkungen Amelung (Frühdruck I, p.XVII) identifies the printer tentatively as Conrad Mancz
Bibliogr. Nachweis Goff A660. – H 998*. – Pell 680. – CIBN A-352. – Bod-inc A-265. – Sheppard 2283, 2284. – Pr 3245. – BMC III 708. – BSB-Ink A-494. – GW 1773
Besitznachweise GB: British Library; Oxford Bodley. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: München BSB. – CH: Basel UB. – US: Brown Univ., Annmary Brown Memorial Collection


Augustinus, Aurelius :
Meditationes (Text beginning: Invocatio dei omnipotentis ...)

[Germany : Printer of the 'Alphabetum divini amoris' (GW 1562), about 1490]. – 16°. – ISTC ia01293000

Anmerkungen On the format see P. Needham, 'Res papirea...', in Rationalisierung der Buchherstellung im Mittelalter, ed. P. Rück and M. Boghardt (Marburg a. d. Lahn, 1994) pp. 123-45, at 129
Bibliogr. Nachweis Goff A1293. – R 49. – GW 2971 (Pseudo-Augustinus)
Besitznachweise DE: Augsburg UB; Fulda HLB; Mainz GM/StB. – US: The Newberry Library