Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Jacob ben Asher :
Arba'ah Turim

Piove di Sacco : Meshullam Cuzi, 3 July 1475. – f°. – ISTC ij00000200

Notes In four parts
Reference works Goff Heb-47. – H 1881. – IGI 5089 = VI E76. – IBE 3079. – Madsen 4311. – Martín Abad J-1. – Walsh Heb-3. – Bod-inc Heb-39. – Pr 7231. – BMC XIII 20 & pl. pp.133, 135. – Cowley p.288. – De Rossi (p.5) 2. – EJ 124. – Freimann p.113. – Goldstein 10 . – HSTC 11. – Iakerson 10. – Jacobs 2. – Marx 65. – Offenberg 61. – Schaeper 6. – Schwab 3. – St 5500(1). – Thes A2. – Zedner p.296. – GW M10386
Holdings GB: British Library; Oxford Bodley. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – DE: Hamburg SUB. – IL: Jerusalem, Schocken Institute. – IT: Padova C; Parma Pal; Roma Comunità Ebraiche; Torino N. – RU: Moscow SL; St Petersburg NL. – US: Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Hebrew Union College Library; Jewish Theological Seminary of America; New York Public Library, Jewish Division; New York, Columbia University, Butler Library



[Piove di Sacco : Meshullam Cuzi, about 1475]. – Chancery f°. – ISTC is00367400

Reference works CIBN Heb-30. – Pr 7440. – BMC XIII 21 & pl. pp.137, 139. – Adler 35. – EJ 98. – Freimann(Fr) 39. – Goldstein 11 . – HSTC 12. – Offenberg 107. – Schwab 82. – St 2829. – Thes A3. – Zedner p.464. – GW M41196
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1996. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 17 - Incunabula Hebraica Part II, IH 94
Holdings GB: British Library. – FR: Paris BN. – IL: Jerusalem NLI