Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Accoltis, Franciscus de :
Super titulis De verborum obligationibus et de duobus reis constituendis

Pescia : [Printer of Accoltis, 'Super titulis De verborum obligationibus'] for Bastianus and Raphael de Orlandis, 1 Aug. 1486. – f°. – ISTC ia00022000

Reference works Goff A22. – H 44*. – Pell 29. – IGI 26. – Maignien(Grenoble) 1. – Bod-inc A-008. – Sheppard 6052. – Pr 7317. – BMC VII 1108. – BSB-Ink A-7. – GW 154
Holdings GB: British Library; Oxford Bodley. – FR: Grenoble BM. – DE: München BSB; Stuttgart WLB. – IT: Lucca Cap; Pescia Cap; Roma Cas; Siena C. – US: Library of Congress, Law Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Accoltis, Franciscus de :
Super titulo De accusationibus, inquisitionibus et denunciationibus

Pescia : Laurentius and Franciscus de Cennis, for Bastianus and Raphael de Orlandis, 21 Oct. 1486. – f°. – ISTC ia00024000

Reference works Goff A24. – HC 46. – Pell 30. – CIBN A-14. – IGI 28. – Voull(Bonn) 433. – GW 156
Holdings FR: Paris BN. – DE: Bamberg SB; Bonn ULB; Ulm StB. – IT: Ferrara C; Firenze N; Genova Capp; Lucca Cap; Poppi C; Roma Cas; Siena C; Verona Cap. – US: Library of Congress, Law Library; San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Accoltis, Franciscus de :
Super titulo "De adquirenda vel omittenda hereditate" (Dig. 29, 2)

Pescia : [Printer of Canaro, 'De materia excusatoris' (H 4306*)], for Bastianus and Raphael de Orlandis, 10 Dec. 1489. – f°. – ISTC ia00025900

Notes On the press see BMC VII p.lxxxv
Reference works H 52*. – Frasson-Cochet 1. – IGI 30. – IBP 10. – Deckert(Nachtr) 1 . – BSB-Ink A-9. – GW 159
Holdings AT: Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol; Wilhering, Zisterzienser. – FR: Saint-Flour Grand Séminaire. – DE: Dresden SLUB; Lich Marienstift; München BSB. – IT: Bologna U; Lucca Cap. – PL: Kraków J


Accoltis, Franciscus de :
Super titulo "De adquirenda vel omittenda possessione"

Pescia : Franciscus and Laurentius de Cennis, for Bastianus and Raphael de Orlandis, 4 Jan. 1487. – f°. – ISTC ia00025960

Notes For the date cf. GW.
Reference works HCR 51. – TFS 1908cc. – IGI 32. – IBP 5769. – Deckert(Nachtr) 2 . – Pr 7314. – BMC VII 1108. – BSB-Ink A-10. – GW 161
Holdings GB: British Library. – DE: Dresden SLUB; München BSB. – IT: Lucca Cap; Roma Cas; Verona Cap. – PL: Wrocław Kap. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Bendinellis, Matthaeus de :
De balneis Lucensibus

Pescia : [Printer of Canaro, 'De materia excusatoris' (H 4306*)], 20 June 1489. – 4°. – ISTC ib00304400

Notes On the press see BMC VII p.lxxxv
Reference works Goff Suppl B304a. – R 63. – IGI 1450. – BMC VII 1109. – GW 3812 (+ Accurti(1936) p.121)
Holdings GB: British Library. – IT: Lucca Cap; Lucca G; Parma Pal. – US: Indiana Univ., The Lilly Library


Bernardinus Senensis :
Della confessione regole xii

Pescia : Franciscus de Cennis, 28 Feb. 1485/86. – 4°. – ISTC ib00343900

Notes A different work from the longer tract Della confessione, with which it is confused in GW (BMC)
Reference works HR 2837. – TFS 1902mm. – IGI 1494. – Pr 7313. – BMC VII 1107. – GW 3877
Holdings GB: British Library. – IT: Firenze N; Firenze Ricc; Lucca G


Canaro, Antonius de :
De excusatore. Add: Marianus Socinus and Thomas Docius: Consilia

Pescia : [Printer of Canaro, 'De materia excusatoris' (H 4306*)], 16 Feb. 1489. – f°. – ISTC ic00083200

Notes On the press see BMC VII p.lxxxv
Reference works H 4306*. – IBE 1401. – IGI 737. – Schmitt I 3286,15. – Deckert 187. – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 499. – Pr 7318. – BMC VII 1109. – BSB-Ink A-638. – GW 5958
Holdings AT: Admont, Benediktiner; Innsbruck, Wilten; Wien, ÖNB. – GB: British Library; Oxford, All Souls College. – DE: Bamberg SB; Berlin SB; Dresden SLUB; München BSB. – IT: Lucca Cap; Napoli N; Torino N; Verona Cap


Canaro, Antonius de :
De executione instrumentorum

Pescia : Franciscus and Laurentius de Cennis, for Bastianus de Orlandis, 16 Mar. 1486. – f°. – ISTC ic00084500

Reference works HR 4308. – IBE 1404. – IGI 738. – Bod-inc C-043. – Sheppard 6049. – Pr 7315. – GW 5961
Holdings GB: Oxford Bodley. – DE: Stuttgart WLB. – IT: Lucca Cap; Napoli N; Pavia U; Siena C; Torino N; Trento Cap. – RU: Moscow SL


Canaro, Antonius de :
De executione instrumentorum

Pescia : [Printer of Canaro, 'De materia excusatoris' (H 4306*)], for Bastianus and Raphael de Orlandis, 15 Mar. 1491. – f°. – ISTC ic00085500

Notes On the press see BMC VII p.lxxxv
Reference works H 4310. – IGI 739. – Hubay(Augsburg) 511. – Hubay(Würzburg) 564. – BMC XII 80. – GW 5963
Holdings AT: Admont, Benediktiner; Wien, ÖNB. – GB: British Library. – DE: Augsburg SStB; Bamberg SB; Fulda HLB; München UB; Nördlingen StB; Stuttgart WLB; Würzburg UB. – IT: Verona Cap


Canaro, Antonius de :
De insinuationibus

Pescia : Laurentius and Franciscus de Cennis, for Bastianus de Orlandis, 7 Mar. 1486. – f°. – ISTC ic00087000

Reference works Goff C87. – H 4304*. – Pell 3190. – Maignien(Grenoble) 55. – IGI 740. – IBPort 444. – Mendes 325. – BSB-Ink A-641. – GW 5966
Related resources Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
IISTC. Copy: Lisboa N, INC. 373
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – FR: Grenoble BM. – DE: München BSB; Ulm StB. – IT: Lucca Cap; Napoli N; Siena C; Torino N; Trento Cap. – PT: Lisboa BN. – RU: Moscow SL. – US: Library of Congress, John Boyd Thacher Collection