Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Aesopus :
Aesopus moralisatus [Latin]

Modena : Dominicus Rocociolus, Thomas Septemcastrensis and Johannes Franciscus de Coronibus, for Dominicus Rocociolus, 19 May 1481. – 4°. – ISTC ia00123900

Notes The colophon includes the words "Compositus per me Nicolaum Jenson" (cf. BMC VII p.lxix). – Metrical version of Fabulae Lib. I-IV by Anonymus Neveleti (Gualtherus Anglicus?)
Reference works H 294. – IGI 89. – GW 00386a
Holdings IT: Venezia N


Alchabitius :
Libellus isagogicus. Tr: Johannes Hispalensis

[Modena : Johannes Vurster, about 1473-74]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00361500

Notes Assigned to Modena by L. Balsamo, in Atti e Memorie della Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Modena, Ser. 6, 17 (1975) pp. 171-181. BMC had assigned to Bologna, and GW to Mantua
Reference works H 615*. – IGI 266. – Pr 6517. – BMC VI 803. – BSB-Ink A-231. – GW 842 (+ Accurti(1936) p.55)
Related resources Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1993. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 3 - Image of the World: Geography and Cosmography, GC 8
Holdings GB: British Library. – DE: München BSB. – IT: Bologna C; Napoli N


Alexander de Villa Dei :
Doctrinale (Partes I-IV)

[Modena : Johannes Vurster, about 1475]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00420700

Notes Assigned to an unidentified printer at Venice by GW
Reference works C 240. – Accurti(1930) p.117. – IGI 305. – GW 942
Holdings IT: Roma Cas


Andrea da Barberino :
Reali di Francia [Italian]

Modena : Petrus Maufer de Maliferis, for Paulus Mundator, 14 Oct. 1491. – f°. – ISTC ia00577000

Reference works Goff A577. – HR 4518. – Sander 350. – IGI 466. – Pr 7211. – BMC VII 1066. – GW 1654
Related resources Electronic facsimile : Biblioteca Estense, Modena (BEIC)
Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2004. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 63 - Romances Part I, RM 6
Holdings GB: British Library; Manchester JRL. – IT: Modena Est; Parma Pal. – US: Rosenbach Museum & Library


Antonius de Vercellis :
Consegli della salute del peccatore

Modena : Dominicus Rocociolus, 31 July 1492. – 4°. – ISTC ia00917300

Reference works HR 15951. – IBE 491. – IGI 714. – GW 2257
Holdings IT: Bologna U; Ferrara C; Lucca G; Modena Est; Napoli N; Padova U; Palermo C; Roma Marianum; Torino N. – US: Yale Univ., Beinecke Library


Antonius de Vercellis :
Sermone dei dodici frutti della Confessione

Modena : Dominicus Rocociolus, 20 Nov. 1491. – 4°. – ISTC ia00917900

Reference works HR 15950. – IGI 716. – GW 2259
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – IT: Bologna U; Ferrara C; Modena Est; Roma U


Ars notariatus

[Modena : Dominicus Rocociolus], 1499?. – 4°. – ISTC ia01132000

Notes With date partially supplied in manuscript (Goff). – The author is named as Antonius Grassus only in the Brescia edition, GW 11337
Reference works Goff A1132. – Hunt 4144. – GW 2659
Holdings US: San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Augustinus, Aurelius :
Orazione per i tribolati

Modena : [Dominicus Rocociolus, 1490-1495]. – 8°. – ISTC ia01297300

Reference works IGI 1021. – GW 2987
Holdings IT: Modena Arch Stor


Augustinus, Aurelius :
Sermones ad heremitas

Modena : Balthasar de Struciis, 25 Apr. 1477. – 4°. – ISTC ia01311000

Notes Pseudo-Augustinus (GW)
Reference works Goff A1311. – HC 1994. – TFS 1909k. – Pell 1510. – CIBN A-754. – IGI 1031. – SI 467. – Sallander 2059. – Walsh 3521. – Oates 2692. – Bod-inc A-593. – Sheppard 5968, 5969. – Pr 7193. – BMC VII 1060. – GW 2999
Holdings GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley. – HR: Zagreb HA. – CZ: Brno UKn. – FR: Paris BN. – IT: Brescia C; Ferrara C; Genova U; Milano Ambr; Modena Est; Piacenza C; Poppi C; Ravenna C; Reggio Emilia C; Scandriglia Grazie; Vercelli Agn. – SE: Uppsala UB. – US: Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; Library of Congress, John Boyd Thacher Collection; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Augustonus, Johannes Basilius :
Prognosticon, 1496 [Latin]. Add: Disceptatio medica in Taurinis habita

[Modena : Dominicus Rocociolus, after 13 Jan. 1496]. – 4°. – ISTC ia01379700

Reference works H 2701*. – Klebs 125.7. – BSB-Ink A-935. – GW 3074
Related resources Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1995. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 13 - Medical Incunabula Part III, MI 11
Holdings DE: München BSB