AnsetzungsformTūnisī, H̱ayr al-Dīn al- verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variante NamensformEttounsi, Kheireddine
Kheireddine Pacha
التونسي, خير الدّين Arabic
خير الدّين باشا Arabic
Nachgewiesen inThe Surest path : the political treatise of a nineteenth-century Muslim statesman : translation of the introduction to «The Surest path to knowledge concerning the condition of countries» / by Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi ; translated from the original arabic with introduction and notes by Leon Carl Brown, 1967. — Muʿǧam al-muʾallifīn / ʿUmar Riḍá Kaḥḥālaẗ, 1957. — BnF Service arabe, 2022-03-15