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thesaurus/cnp02386720 Zuniga y Avellaneda, Maria ¬de¬

Zuniga y Avellaneda, Maria ¬de¬

Record IDcnp02386720
Biographical Data1555 - 1630
Place of BirthEscalona
Last Edit2023-02-09

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Further Biographical Data1555-1630
ActivityPersonen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Weiblicher Adel (gnd)
Geographic NoteES (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthEscalona


HeadingZuniga y Avellaneda, Maria ¬de¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameDe Zuniga y Avellaneda, Maria
Avellaneda, Maria de Zuniga ¬y¬


Found inZaparain Yanez, M.J. u. Escorial Esgueva, J., Servir al linaje, cuidar el alma. La VI condesa de Miranda y sus propuestas artisticas (c. 1555-1630), in: Mujeres, promocion artistica e imagen del poder e los siglos XV al XIX, hg. v. J.J. Velez Chaurri, Bilbao 2022, S. 201-247

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