CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp02384560 Hartsuff, George Lucas

Hartsuff, George Lucas

Record IDcnp02384560
Bibliografische gegevens1830 - 1874
GeboorteplaatsTyre, New York
Plaats van overlijdenWest Point, NY
Voor het laatst bewerkt2022-09-06

Algemene noot

was an American soldier, born at Tyre, New York. He graduated at West Point in 1852, graduating 19th out of 43 in his class. He served on the frontier and in Florida, where, during a fight with the Seminole Indians near Fort Myers in December 1855, he received a wound which eventually caused his death. Hartsuff survived the wreck of the steamer Lady Elgin on Lake Michigan on September 8, 1860

Meer informatie

Verdere bibliografische gegevens28.05.1830-16.05.1874
ActiviteitGeneralmajor (gnd)
Geografische nootUS (iso3166)

Plaats van werkzaamheid

GeboorteplaatsTyre, New York
Plaats van overlijdenWest Point, NY


KopjeHartsuff, George Lucas
gebruikt in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany


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