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thesaurus/cnp02351256 Lungershausen, Johann Jakob

Lungershausen, Johann Jakob

Record IDcnp02351256
Last Edit2021-11-06

General Note

Absolvent des Wilhelm-Ernst-Gymnasiums Weimar

More Information

Dates of Activity1734-1736
ActivityGymnasiast (gnd)
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthDorndorf, Dornburg/Saale
Place of ActivityWeimar


HeadingLungershausen, Johann Jakob
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameLungershausen, Iohann Iacob
Lungershausen, Joh. Jac.
Lungershausen, Johann Jacob
Lungershausen, Johannes Jacob
Lungershausen, Johannes Jacobus
Lungershausen, Johannes Jakob
Lungershausius, Johannes Jacobus
Lungershusius, Johann Jacob
Lungershusius, Johannes Jacob
Lungershusius, Johannes Jacobus


Found inKiesewetter, Johann Christoph: Animvm Silentio Et Tenebris Ali, Actv Oratorio-Valedictorio In Ill. Gymnasio Wilhelmo-Ernestino D. IV Octobr. M DCC XXXVI ... 1736. — Kiesewetter, Johann Christoph: Dictionem Sacram Profana Longe Svperiorem, Actv Oratorio-Valedictorio, In Illvstri Gymnasio Wilhelmo-Ernestino, ... 1734

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