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thesaurus/cnp02328928 Bruckner, Johann Jacob

Bruckner, Johann Jacob

Record IDcnp02328928
Biographical Data1716 - 1769
Last Edit2020-10-19

General Note

Sohn des Johann Jacob Bruckner (1682-1752) u. der Anna Margaretha Schönauer (1683-1755); 1729 stud. phil. (25.5.1734 m.a.) u. 1733 stud. theol. (12.6.1739 SMC) in Basel, 1736 stud. theol. in Heidelberg, danach wieder in Basel, 1745 Vikar in Bubendorf, 1746-1760 Pfarrer in Kleinhüningen, 1760-1769 in Waldenburg

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Further Biographical Data26.11.1716-23.02.1769. Todesdatum in Basilea Reformata: 23.03.1769
ActivityPfarrer (gnd)
Geographic NoteCH (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityKleinhüningen

Related Entries

ParentBruckner, Johann Jacob, 1682-1752
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater


HeadingBruckner, Johann Jacob
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameBruckner, Hans Jakob
Bruckner, Johann Jakob
Bruckner, Johann Jakob, II
Brucknerus, Johannes Jacobus


Found inBasler Matrikel, Bd. 5, S. 26 (Nr. 140). — Basilea Reformata 2002, S. 141. — Historisches Familienlexikon der Schweiz (Eltern): Stand: 28.9.2020: http://www.hfls.ch/humo-gen/family/1/F78726/I239135/

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