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thesaurus/cnp02328613 Schindler, Christoph Friedrich

Schindler, Christoph Friedrich

Record IDcnp02328613
Place of BirthRadeberg
Last Edit2020-09-28

General Note

Student in Wittenberg

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Dates of Activity1715
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthRadeberg


HeadingSchindler, Christoph Friedrich
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameSchindlerus, Christophorus Fridericus


Imprint SourcesDe ... sive Velato Hebraeorum Gynaeceo. - 1715
De hpwywt nsym, sive velato Hebraeorum gynaeceo. - 1715
Rectore Magnificentissimo Serenissimo Principe Ac Domino Dn. Friderico Augutso [!] Electorat. Saxon. Herede Etc. Etc. De hpwywt nsym, Sive Velato He... - 1715

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