Meer informatie
Verdere bibliografische gegevens1671-1721
Intellectuele verantwoordelijkheidAuteur
Primaire talenLatin
Activiteitwiskundige en astronoom
Astronom (gnd)
Mathematiker (gnd)
Personen zu Astronomie, Weltraumforschung (20p) (sswd)
Personen zu Mathematik (28p) (sswd)
Personen zu Physik (21.5p) (sswd)
Physiker (gnd)
Geografische nootGB (iso3166)
NationaliteitUnited Kingdom
KopjeKeill, John
gebruikt in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Keill, John
gebruikt in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom); Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Keill, John
gebruikt in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
NaamsvariantKeill, Johann
Keil, John
Keill, Jo.
Keill, Joannes
Keill, Johannes
Keillius, J.
Keillius, Joannes
Keillius, Johannes
Gevonden inLoC-NA. — Internat. Biogr. Index. — BN Cat. gén.. — GK55. — DNB. — Wellcome. — Introductio ad veram physicam seu lectiones physicae / autore Joanne Keill, 1715. — Michaud. — LCAuth
Bronnen voor het impressumInleidinge tot de waare natuur-en sterrenkunde, of... / Translated from the Latin, annotated and enlar..., 1741
Introductiones ad veram physicam et veram astronom... / By Joannes Keill..., 1725
Keill, John: An Examination of Burnet's Theorie of the Earth. - 1734
Keill, John: An examination of Dr. Burnet's theory of the earth. - 1698
Keill, John: An examination of the reflections. - 1699
Keill, John: Introductio ad veram Physicam. - 1705
Keill, John: Introductio ad veram Physicam. - 1715
Keill, John: Introductio ad veram Physicam. - 1741
Keill, John: Introductio ad veram astronomiam. - 1718
Keill, John: Introductiones ad veram Physicam. - 1725
Keill, John: Introductiones ad veram Physicam. - 1742
Keill, John: Introductiones ad veram physicam et veram astronomiam. - 1739
Quincy, John: Medicina Statica. - 1737