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thesaurus/cnp02313069 Verzosa y Ponce de León, Juan ¬de¬

Verzosa y Ponce de León, Juan ¬de¬

Record IDcnp02313069
Biographical Data1523 - 1574
Last Edit2022-01-10

General Note

Diplomate; Poète. Écrivit aussi en latin.
Span. Schriftsteller, Dichter und Gelehrter
Letterato e umanista spagnolo, nato nel 1523 a Saragozza e morto nel 1574 a Roma. Fu professore di latino e greco nella sua città natale e poi a Parigi e a Lovanio. Partecipò al Concilio di Trento.

More Information

Further Biographical Data1523-1574
Zaragoza, 1523-Roma, 1574
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Spanish
ActivityGelehrter (gnd)
Schriftsteller (gnd)
Geographic NoteES (iso3166)
Online ResourceOnline Resource
Display the original Edit16 name's record

Related Entries

See alsoGiovio, Paolo, der Ältere
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
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Gravina, Pietro, 1453-1528
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HeadingVerzosa y Ponce de León, Juan ¬de¬
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Berzosa, Johannes
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Ponce de León, Juan de Verzosa ¬y¬
Verzosa, Juan
used in: Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Verzosa y Ponce de León, Juan ¬de¬
used in: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy)
Verzosa y Ponce de León, Juan de
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variant NameVerzosa, Juan
Verzosa, Juan ¬de¬
Verzosa/y@Ponce de León, Juan de
Berzosa, Joannes
EDIT16-ID:CNCA25723 [Sources: BLC]
Berzosa, Johannes
Ioannes Verzosa Caesaraugustanus
Nome su edizioni
León, Juan V. ¬y¬
León, Juan Verzosa y Ponce ¬de¬
León, Juan Verzosa y Ponce de
León, Juan de Verzosa y Ponce de
Ponce de León, Juan V. ¬y¬
Ponce de León, Juan Verzosa ¬y¬
Ponce de León, Juan Verzosa y
Ponce de León, Juan de Verzosa
Versosa, Johannes
Verzosa, Giovanni [Sources: ADCAM]
Verzosa, Joannes
Verzosa, Johannes
Verzosa, Juan
EDIT16-ID:CNCA25724 [Sources: PD; IBEPI]
Verzosa, Juan de
Verzosa y Ponce de León, Juan
Verzosa y Ponce de León, Joan [Sources: EUI; TG]
Verzosa y Ponce de León, Juan [Sources: BNF; NUC]


Found inABEPI, I 1006,224-232. — 1102,436-454. — II 937,71-73. — LCAuth. — BN Cat. gén.. — Bibliogr., Espagne (CD), 1976-2005/09. — Larousse 19e s. : Verzosa ou Berzosa (Jean). — LC Authorities - http:// authorities.loc.gov (2006-03-22). — TG. — EUI. — NUC. — BNF. — IBEPI. — PD. — ADCAM. — BLC
Imprint SourcesCharina sive amores.... / By Joannes Verzosa. ; Preface by I. de Asso de..., 1781
Anales del reinado de Felipe II / Juan de Verzosa ; introducción, edición, traducción anotada e índices a cargo de José María Maestre Maestre, 2002
Berzosa, Johannes: Epistolarum libri IV.. - 1575
De prosodiis liber absolutissimus. - 1544
Epistolarum libri IV.. - 1575
Muret, Marc Antoine: M.ANTONII MVRETI I.C. ET CIVIS R. HYMNORVM SACRORVM LIBER. Eiusdem alia quaedam ... 1584.
Đurđević, Bartolomej: De ritu deque cerimoniis domi militiaeque ab ea gente usurpatis. 1560.
Đurđević́, Bartolomej: De ritu deque cerimoniis domi militiaeque ab ea gente usurpatis. 1562.

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