Astroy, Barthélemy ¬d'¬
Record IDcnp02312162
Biographical Data1612 - 1681
Place of BirthCiney
Last Edit2021-07-18
General Note
Not found in: LCAuth
Franziskaner-Rekollekt; Kontroverstheologe
More Information
Further Biographical Dataca.1612-1681
ActivityTheologe (gnd)
Geographic NoteBE (iso3166)
Place of Activity
Place of BirthCiney
Place of ActivityLüttich
HeadingAstroy, Barthélemy ¬d'¬
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Astroy, Barthélemy ¬d'¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameAstroy, Bartholomaeus ¬d'¬
P. recollect van Luyck ¬eenen¬
Astroij, Bartholomeus ¬d'¬
Astrojus, Bartholomäus
Astroy, Bartaolomees ¬van¬
Astroy, Bartholomäus
D'Astroy, Barthélemy
Found inBAB I 26,140-165 (uneinheitlich)
Imprint SourcesRedenen zeer crachtich, claer, en̄ zeer-dwinghend... / By Eenen P. recollect van Luyck [= Barthélem..., 1648
Tractaet vanden loff ende aenroepinghe vande alder... / By Bartholomeus d' Astroy. ; Translated from t..., 1649
Abrégé de la vie de ... Jeanne de Valois. - 1666
Vincentius: Monitoire de S. Vincent de Lerins touchant l'antiquité et l'universalité de la foy catholique. - 1663
Armamentarium Augustinianum adv. haereses. - 1664