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thesaurus/cnp02310148 Schlichting, Jan Daniel

Schlichting, Jan Daniel

Record IDcnp02310148
Biographical Data1703 - 1765
Last Edit2024-08-14

General Note

Médecin accoucheur
Arzt und Chirurg in Amsterdam

More Information

Further Biographical Data1703-
1703-na 1750
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Dutch
ActivityArzt (gnd)
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthWangerland-Waddewarden

Related Entries

Member ofSacri Romani Imperii Academia Caesareo-Leopoldina Naturae Curiosorum (1740)
Affiliation. -- Mitglied, Matrikelnummer 500


HeadingSchlichting, Jan Daniel
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Schlichting, Jan Daniel
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Schlichting, Jan Daniel
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameSchlichting, Johannes Daniel
Schlichtingius, Johannes Daniel
Schlichting, Joannes Daniel
Schlichting, Johann Daniel
Schlichtens, Johann Daniel


Found inBN Cat. gén.. — Embryulcia nova detecta of eene heel nieuw en onbekende, dog nuttige behandelinge, in de meeste moeielyke baaringen, op 't spoedigste te helpen. Eertyds gelukkig geoeffent door Roonhuisen in Amsterdam... / door Joh. Dan. Schlichting, medicin. & chirurg. doctor..., 1747. — Thésaurus du CERL - http://thesaurus.cerl.org/cgi-bin/record.pl?rid=cnp00445804 (2013-10-10). — Schmidt-Herrling: Briefsammlung Trew
Imprint SourcesCompendivm mathematicvm, aliaqve tractatvs eodem p... / By Michael Psellus..., 1647
De lapidum virtutibus.... / By Psellus. ; Annotated by P.J. Maussac et al`..., 1745
Schlichting, Jan D.: Syphilidos mnemosynon criticum. - 1755
Verbrugge, Johannes: Het nieuw hervormde examen van Land- en Zee-Chirurgie. - 1748
Disputatio medica inauguralis de lacte.... / By Joh. Daniel Schlichtingius..., 1730
Syphilidos mnemosynon criticon. Of Vrye oneenzydig... / By Johannes Dan. Schlichting..., 1755

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