More Information
Dates of Activity1690-1702
Title of NobilityRitter (gnd)
ActivitySchüler (Gymnasium Rudolstadt) (gnd)
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)
HeadingWoldeck von Arneburg, Ludwig Gottlieb
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameWaldeck, Ludovicus Gottliebius ¬de¬
Waldeck, Ludovicus Gottliebius ¬von¬
Waldeck, Ludovicus Gottliebius ¬à¬
Waldeck, Ludwig Gottlieb ¬de¬
Waldeck, Ludwig Gottlieb ¬à¬
Waldeck von Arneburg, Ludovicus Gottliebius ¬von¬
Waldeck von Arneburg, Ludovicus Gottliebius ¬à¬
Waldeck von Arneburg, Ludwig Gottlieb
Waldeck von Arnöburg, Ludwig Gottlieb
Waldegg, Ludovicus Gottliebius ¬von¬
Waldegg, Ludwig Gottlieb ¬von¬
Woldeck, Ludwig Gottlieb ¬von¬
Waldeck, Ludwig Gottlieb ¬von¬