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thesaurus/cnp02300136 Lactantius a Brixia

Lactantius a Brixia

Record IDcnp02300136
Last Edit2022-11-14

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Religious Affiliation / OrderCRL
Sign, Mark, Device etc.Incipit: "Lista de' libri del padre d. Lattantio da Brescia canonico regolare Latteranense che si troua in conuento a Brescia in santo Saluatore".I ff.275r-v, 276r-v sono bianchi. Il f. 276v reca la scritta: "Lista de' libri del padre d. Lattantio da Brescia". – Handwritten Sign

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityBrescia


HeadingLactantius a Brixia
used in: RICI database

Map (activities)

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