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thesaurus/cnp02278608 Walbot von Bassenheim, Maria Theresia

Walbot von Bassenheim, Maria Theresia

Record IDcnp02278608
Last Edit2020-02-07

More Information

Dates of Activity1731
DioceseTrier (1731 - 1744)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityBoppard (1731 - 1744)

Related Entries

See alsoBenediktinerinnenkloster Marienberg (1731 - 1744)


HeadingWalbot von Bassenheim, Maria Theresia
used in: Germania Sacra Online
Variant NameWalbot von Bassenheim, Elisabeth
Walbot von Bassenheim, Maria Theresia
Waltpott, Elisabeth
Waltpott, Maria Theresia


Germania Sacra Online
Authority record
Germania Sacra Online (Index)
See here for occurrences of this person in Germania Sacra Online

Map (activities)

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