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thesaurus/cnp02238818 Ascham, Antony

Ascham, Antony

Record IDcnp02238818
Biographical Data1614 - 1650
Place of BirthBoston, GB
Place of DeathMadrid
Last Edit2020-06-19

General Note

Note de regroupement par domaine: Sciences politiques (320)
Théoricien de la politique, homme politique, diplomate

More Information

Further Biographical Data1614?-06.06.1650
Dates of Activityfl. 1553
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)English
NationalityUnited Kingdom

Place of Activity

Place of BirthBoston, GB (1614)
Lieu de naissance
Place of DeathMadrid (1650)
Lieu de mort


HeadingAscham, Antony
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Askham, Anthony
used in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Variant NameAscham, Anthony
Ascham, Ant., Anthony
Ashcam, Ant., Anthony
Askham, Anthonye


Found inBN Cat. gén. : Ascham, Anthony. — Order and conflict : Anthony Ascham and English political thought, 1648-1650 / Marco Barducci, 2015. — British Library : Ascham, Antony, -1650 - http://www.bl.uk (2019-05-31). — Oxford DNB : Ascham, Anthony (bap. 1614, d. 1650). — DNB=Ascham, Anthony, fl. 1553
Imprint SourcesS116058: An almanacke and prognosticatyon for the yeare of oure lorde god M. D. L.VI, wyth the dayes and howres of rysynge noonestead and settynge of the .vii. starres. ... made [and] deuysed by Anthonye Askham phisycyon and pryest, 1556

Map (activities)

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