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thesaurus/cnp02227854 Thorpe, Thomas

Thorpe, Thomas

Record IDcnp02227854
Biographical Data1791 - 1851
Last Edit2021-05-18

General Note

Source(s) consultée(s) en vain: Oxford dictionary of national biography : http://www.oxforddnb.com (2017-09-17)
London bookseller specializing in early printed books and manuscripts from the 1820s until his death, who "went far to cornering the market in historical, genealogical and topographical manuscripts, and issued a number of catalogues devoted entirely to such material".

More Information

Further Biographical Data1791-1851
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)English
NationalityUnited Kingdom


HeadingThorpe, Thomas
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Thorpe, Thomas
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany


Found inJanuary 1st, 1820. Part I. Catalogue of a rare and useful collection of books... Now selling, at the prices affixed to each article, for ready money only, by T. Thorpe, n°. 44, Bedford street, Strand, London, 1820. — British biogr. arch., 1984. — Owners of incunabula - http://data.cerl.org/owners/00014566 (2017-09-17). — http://www.manuscripts.org.uk/provenance/dealers/thorpe.htm
Imprint SourcesMunby, Phillipps studies, III, p. 46
Thorpe, Thomas: Descriptive Cataloque of the original charters, royal grants and donation*. - 1835


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