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thesaurus/cnp02211054 Breuner-Enckevoirth, Karl Borromaeus Ignatius Joseph

Breuner-Enckevoirth, Karl Borromaeus Ignatius Joseph

Record IDcnp02211054
Biographical Data1740 - 1796
Place of DeathVenedig
Last Edit2020-09-14

General Note

Verheiratet mit Maria Josepha von Khevenhüller-Frankenburg (1742–1814) [Sources: Wikipedia (Stand: 25.04.2018)]

More Information

Further Biographical Data30.07.1740-17.07.1796
Title of NobilityGraf (gnd)
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)
Sign, Mark, Device etc.Provenienzmerkmal – Sign Show image

Place of Activity

Place of DeathVenedig

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HeadingBreuner-Enckevoirth, Karl Borromaeus Ignatius Joseph
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameBreuner von Enkevoirt, Karl Borromeus

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