thesaurus/cnp02183605 Timotheus, Metropolit von Amed
Timotheus, Metropolit von Amed
Identifiant de la noticecnp02183605
Données biographiques - 1622
Dernière modification2019-09-27
Note générale
In 1615, the archdeacon Rabban Adam was consecrated metropolitan of Amid. He took the name Timothy, after the disciple of the apostle Paul, in compliment to pope Paul V. He was present at the synod of Amid in 1616, and signed its acts as 'metropolitan of Jerusalem and Amid'. He signed the profession of faith of Eliya IX in 1617 as 'archbishop of Jerusalem'. He is mentioned in the dating formula of a manuscript of 1619, and is said to have died of plague in 1621 or 1622. The note recording his death styled him 'metropolitan of Amid, Nisibis, Mardin, Hesna and Jerusalem'. [Sources: Wikipedia: Chaldean Diocese of Amid]
Plus d'information
Autres données biographiques-1622
ActivitéArchidiakon (gnd)
Bischof (gnd)
Erzbischof (gnd)
Metropolit (gnd)
Note géographiqueTR (iso3166)
Lieu d'activité
Lieu d'activitéDiyarbakır (1615 - 1622) Wirkungsort
RubriqueTimotheus, Metropolit von Amed utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
VarianteRabban Adam
Timotheus, Metropolit von Amida
Timotheus, Metropolit von Diyarbakır
Timotheus, Rabban Adam
Timothy, bishop of Amida
Trouvé dansCatholicOrg (online): Chaldean Archdiocese of Diarbekir
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