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thesaurus/cnp02174976 Alethophilus, Sincerus

Alethophilus, Sincerus

Record IDcnp02174976
Type of entry (heading)identification uncertain
Biographical Data1705 - 1785
Place of BirthStuttgart
Last Edit2022-04-21

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Further Biographical Data1705-1785
ActivityArchivar (gnd)
Historiker (gnd)
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthStuttgart
Place of ActivityStuttgart

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HeadingAlethophilus, Sincerus
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Sattler, Christian Friedrich
used in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameAletophilus, Sincerus
Sincerus, Alethophilus
Sincerus Alethophilus
PseudonymAlethophilus, Sincerus
1760 [Pseud.]


Found inHolzmann/Bohatta: Dt. Pseud.-Lex., 1906, S. 8
Imprint SourcesVertheydigter Beweiß Der Teutschen Reichs-Stände völliger Landes-Hoheit vor dem sogenannten grossen Interregno. - 1760

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