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thesaurus/cnp02162691 Greenlaw, John

Greenlaw, John

Identifiant de la noticecnp02162691
Données biographiques1505 - 1566
Dernière modification2021-02-11

Note générale

Of Haddington. Mat. Glasgow Univ. 1505 (with Wm. Manderston), brought Robert Wauchope's papal letters of appointment c1539, vicar of Keith Humbie, E. Lothian succeeding Wauchope (archbp of Armagh), prebend of collegiate church of Corstorphine 1558, at Paris 1553, Spanish speaker, d. 1563/6

Plus d'information

Autres données biographiquesfl. 1505-1566


RubriqueGreenlaw, John
utilisé dans: University of Glasgow Library, Incunabula Project; Early Book Owners in Britain; The University of Aberdeen Library
VarianteGreynlaw, Johannes
Greynlawe, Johannes
Greynlawe, Johannis


Trouvé dansESL 105. — Munimenta II,120. — ESL 105. — Drummond 300


University of Glasgow Library
Provenance Information

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