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thesaurus/cnp02140456 Audubon, Lucy Green Bakewell

Audubon, Lucy Green Bakewell

Record IDcnp02140456
Dati biografici1788 - 1874
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

Schriftstellerin, Grossbritannien, USA

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Ulteriori dati biografici1788-1874
AttivitàSchriftstellerin (gnd)


IntestazioneAudubon, Lucy Green Bakewell
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
depiction of ...
Image from scanned version of James Audubon Journals, published in 1899 and in the Public Domain from https://archive.org/details/audubonhisjourna00audu. Image has been cropped and sepia tone removed.
[FROM THE MINIATURE BY F. CRUIKSHANK, 1835 / http://ia351434.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/0/items/audubonhisjourna00audu/audubonhisjourna00audu_jp2.zip&file=audubonhisjourna00audu_jp2/audubonhisjourna00audu_0099.jp2&scale=1.1671732522796352&rotate=0 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mrs. Audubon - wife of James Audubon.jpg]

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