ΕπικεφαλίδαGyldenstolpe, Nils χρησιμοποιείται σε: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Προηγούμενο όνομαWexionius, Nils Geburtsname
ΠαραλλαγήGyldenstolpe, Nicolaus
Gyldenstolpius, Nicolaus
Gyldenstolpe, Nicolas
Gyldenstålpe, Nils
Gyllenstålpe, Nils
Güldenstålpe, Nils
Βρίσκεται σεVIAF. — Svenskt biografiskt lexikon: Stand: 03.12.2020: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Presentation.aspx?id=13339
en:Nils Gyldenstolpe (1642-1709), Swedish count, civil servant, diplomat, university chancellor and "sv:lantmarskalk" (chairman of the estate of nobility). [Unknown authorUnknown author / Svenska landtmarskalkar - Porträtter och biographiska uppgifter (Stockholm 1854-55) -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gyldenstolpe, Nils (ur Svenska landtmarskalkar).jpg]