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thesaurus/cnp02109113 Michaelsen, Dorothea Sophia

Michaelsen, Dorothea Sophia

Record IDcnp02109113
Biographical Data - 1718
Place of DeathHalle, Saale
Last Edit2020-03-10

General Note

Schwester des Komponisten Georg Friedrich Händel; ab 1708 Ehefrau des Juristen Johann Dietrich Michaelsen in Halle (Saale)

More Information

Further Biographical Data-08.08.1718
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityHalle, Saale
Place of DeathHalle, Saale

Related Entries

ParentHändel, Georg, 1622-1697
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater
Händel, Dorothea, 1651-1730
Beziehung familiaer. -- Mutter
SpouseMichaelsen, Michael Dietrich, 1681-1748
Beziehung familiaer. -- Ehemann
See alsoHändel, Georg Friedrich, 1685-1759
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder


HeadingMichaelsen, Dorothea Sophia
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Former NameHändel, Dorothea Sophia
Frueherer Name
Variant NameHändel, Dorothea Sophie
Händelin, Dorothea Sophia
Händelin, Dorothea Sophie
Michaelis, Dorothea Sophia
Michaelsen, Dorothea Sophie
Michaelssen, Dorothea Sophia
Michaelssen, Dorothea Sophie
Handelin, Dorothea Sophia

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