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thesaurus/cnp02106767 Muḥammad Bairam, II.

Muḥammad Bairam, II.

Record IDcnp02106767
Biographical Data1748 - 1831
Place of BirthTunis
Last Edit2019-11-07

General Note

Son of Mohamed Bayram I, he belongs to the Bayram family notable for being native from Turkey. His mother was the daughter of the Hanafi Mufti Baroudi Hussein. Mohamed Bayram II learned fiqh and hadith from his father, tajwid from Sheikh Mohamed Qarbattaq and other religious sciences from Sheikh Salah Ibn Abi Kawech. He succeeded his father as Imam of Youssef Dey Mosque and taught at the University of Ez-Zitouna. In 1778, he was appointed as a qadi in Tunis before returning to teaching in 1780. His father was appointed as a Hanafi mufti in 1801 by the sovereign Hammuda ibn Ali and was at the head of the Sharia board until his death. He published a serie of books on historical and genealogical dimension of Hanafi. He frequently used the Maliki school to take the arguments of his fatwas [Sources: Internet]

More Information

Further Biographical Data28.10.1748-23.10.1831. Lebensdaten in islamischer Zeitrechnung: 1162-1247 Hiǧrī
Geographic NoteTN (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthTunis


HeadingMuḥammad Bairam, II.
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameBairam, Muḥammad
Bairam aṯ-Ṯānī, Muḥammad
Bairam aṯ-ṯānī
Bayram aṯ-ṯānī
Ibn-Bairam, Muḥammad Bairam aṯ-Ṯānī Ibn-Muḥammad Ibn-Ḥusain Ibn-Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad Ibn-Ḥusain
Mohamed Bayram II
Muḥammad Bairam
Muḥammad Bairam II
Muḥammad Bairam aṯ-ṯānī


Found inZiriklī, Bd. 7, S. 72. — LCAuth
Imprint SourcesŠarḥ aš-šaiḫ Bairam aṯ-Ṯānī ʿalā naẓmihī fi 'l-muftīn al-ḥanafīya bi-Tūnis. - 1999

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