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thesaurus/cnp02103853 Uslar, Catharina Sophia ¬von¬

Uslar, Catharina Sophia ¬von¬

Record IDcnp02103853
Biographical Data1656 - 1711
Last Edit2019-09-26

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Further Biographical Data13.07.1656-21.10.1711
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Related Entries

ParentKnorre, Ilsa Catharina
Beziehung familiaer. -- Mutter
Knorre, Johann
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater
SpouseUslar, Andreas Caspar ¬von¬, -1706
Beziehung familiaer. -- Ehemann
ChildUslar, Johann Heinrich ¬von¬
Beziehung familiaer. -- Sohn


HeadingUslar, Catharina Sophia ¬von¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Former NameKnorr, Catharina Sophia
Frueherer Name
Knorrin, Catharina Sophia
Frueherer Name
Knorre, Catharina Sophia
Frueherer Name
Variant NameUslar, Catharina Sophie ¬von¬
Usler, Catharina Sophia ¬von¬
Ußlar, Catharina Sophia ¬von¬
Ußler, Catharina Sophia ¬von¬

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